MDC's wildlife code has a good section on owner protection of property "3 CSR 10-4.130" But basically varmints can all be shot or trapped to prevent livestock loss/property damage, no need to notify the MDC. Exceptions are listed, but they're pretty common sense, if it's a "game animal"(deer, elk, turkeys) you need permission to kill. If it's a bear or mountain lion you need permission to kill unless they're actively attacking or killing your pets/livestock/humans.
As to your basic question, we kinda divvied up our lifestyle and determined how hard(financially, time-wise, practically, and emotionally) it would be to get different facets of each section "self-reliant". Putting meat on the table, that's pretty easy/straightforward for us. I fish and hunt for almost all of our meat needs, we're also building a goat herd to make the supply/timing a little more reliable. Dairy is also on the goats. Both of those are easy wins for us.
On the other side of the equation, take electricity. Given our lifestyle and financial cost, going off grid is a ways down the road. Doable? Sure, but it's not worth the costs at the moment. That being said, I keep track of electricity use so I know about what we would need to keep our current lifestyle if/when we end up going off-grid.
Looking at our life in this way is a lot more encouraging than taking it as a lump sum. We've achieved 100% in some categories, sure there's some areas that are at 0%, but we are making progress towards the bigger goal. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is self sufficiency(unless you have gobs of money, you could probably do it if you won the lottery).