Pontus Duckert wrote:One thing I'm curious about. When I have one big file I tend to forget where I was (especially if it's unintentionally interrupted) and have to manually search for it. To you who prefers one big file, does your device remember, do you write it down? How do you keep track of that?
Fancy players, and phones, tablets, and the like, have bookmarking where you can mark many places in the audio file. Some players at least remember where your last position when you shut off the power. Others, sadly, require you to hold down on the FastForward button forever and ever, and ever to get through a long file. This is also the case for "unintentional interrupt[ion]," e.g. battery ran down or a button got whacked when a tree branch catches your player.
Paul, yes, thank you for asking. Audible/Amazon would never be so kind as to ask my opinion!
I can see the appeal of a single file if you have a Audible-approved player with bookmarking, but, if you are not playing on your phone or one of the few non-phone players that support the AAC codec
and bookmarking, old school mp3 chapters are the way to go. I don't keep my phone on my person, so old school it is.