shane burchfield

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since Jul 04, 2017
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Recent posts by shane burchfield

Thanks for the reply Galen Young. If I may ask where about did you fi d this land and how big were the  plots of land?
Deb rebel thanks for the reply I am looking for atleast 20 acres . I want away from people as much as possible and I have 2 others to go in on the homestead with me. We are not picky about the state those are the states I really like bit I would settle for good land almost anywhere. I want to be able to garden raise animals hunt and fish and raise my family is all I am looking for.
I am looking for a price list of average sales price for land per Acer by state . I also would like any information on starting a homestead that me and my family can be off grid as much as possible. I am interested in Alaska Alabama Tennessee Kentucky Georgia Mississippi Louisiana Montana Idaho north Carolina Pennsylvania Arkansas Texas  but any and all states where I can homestead in. Please if anyone can help me or give me any advice I will be every greatful. Thanks for reading my post and for any and all information and help. God bless!