Hello, I'm planning a 3V geodesic dome yurt that will be mounted onto a base wall 150 cm high. if I understand correctly I can make a 4/9 ( a little bit less than a sphere) or a 5/9 a little bit more than a sphere as the 3V dome will not be flat at the bottom. I believe that the diameter the dome calculators give me is for the sphere and not for the actual structure of the dome which would be either a bit more or a bit less ? If so how can I calculate the actual diameter of the dome in order to make sure it will fit exactly onto the supporting wall ? ( I would like to avoid Kruschke method as I'm making the dome out of individual triangles and additional struts and measurements would complicate the construction. Any suggestions anyone? The picture is of a 2V dome with a diameter of 4,40 cm also on a base wall of 150 cm constructed in Andalucia Spain.