Nick Milan

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since Aug 19, 2017
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Really into food. Growing cooking storing etc.
Attended PDC in Hawaii in 2014
Studied Aquaponics
Lived in Permaculture based IC
Now, started a non-profit in the largest food desert in the U.S. A different kind of greening the desert.
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Recent posts by Nick Milan

Perhaps you would like it here at Bear Creek Community Land Trust in NE Missouri. I found this Community 5 6 years ago on permies and I'm a big fan. We've had lots of experience with neurodivergance so I don't imagine that will be a problem. See the website for more info:
3 months ago
I have a buddy who does "precious plastic", it's an online community of diy plastic recyclers, He routinely buys shredders at thrift stores and the like, really great value, even the ones that aren't working can usually be fixed pretty easy by disassembling the safety mechanisms. If you can find a good commercial grade one, it will eat that cardboard, no problem.

Those things are pretty impressive, he shoves all kinds of plastic through them!
2 years ago
Wow, this property sounds amazing!

Personally I would jump at the chance to design a system around a thriving protected wetland! Limitations breed creativity, finding out what those limitations are would be key.

I googled "Thurston Co Washington Protected Wetland Rules" and found this potentially helpful document:

I get the feeling that if you design to meet the counties goals laid out in that document, such as "removing sediment, excess
nutrients and toxic substances from water" then you would be well within the law.

I am curious if anyone has experience on enforcement of these sorts of things.
4 years ago
I am surprised nobody mentioned that the flower is edible, I am curious to try this aggresive plant in my designs.
4 years ago
Thank you, so much, for your responses Elanor and Hans. I appreciate your thoughts!

I am sure you have learned much about how the human body works and how it complains when you use it in ways or beyond its limits

I certainly have! In circus we lean in to pain but develop a keen awareness for the difference between painful and injurious. A partner of mine has studied functional patterns and they are Obsessed with perfecting form, I would love to include some information on that and ergonomic movement in general.

I think the dog in the time lapse is good. Adds a random element and apparently lots of people like dogs ;)

That's Carl Weathers, and you can be sure that you will see a lot more of him nd my adorable cat Napoleon Bonaparte. I agree that people love to see animals in content like this... I wonder why that is? Maybe because they are relatable. I enjoy seeing their behavior in timelapse, so busy and 'helpful.'

Are you vegetarian?

Not strictly, I eat mostly vegan and then add in very high quality meats and dairy products... Based mostly on how they are raised and their carbon footprint... I call it BeyondVegan, trying to sound more pretentious than even the vegans. So wild harvested is best, raised by me next, then locally produced pasture raised animal products, and lastly I do occasionally eat things that normally wouldn't qualify but that I save from a waste stream.

Would it be too much content for a single video to have some acrobatics, then gardening inc. harvesting, then preparing of food? Or simpler, acrobatics IN the garden, followed by showing food prepared earlier.

Maybe you know more people with good gardens you could do acrobatics in for variety of plants and scenes.  

That sounds like a wonderful video to me, perhaps each component can be a snippet for social media and then I can upload a whole 'episode' to Vimeo or YouTube. That's really just an average day for me, so it's just about setting up the camera, living my life, then editing and uploading. Should be doable once a week. I do know lots of people with gardens and I tend to travel a good amount so I can even show different climates and cooking styles.

Thanks again for the suggestions!
I've planned out an acro, partner workout sequence that I hope to upload here soon. I'm more motivated now that people are talking to me! Yay.

5 years ago
Here are a couple of test shots for the time lapse sequences:

I also love to cook and share delicious food, so I hope to include some cooking sequences:

Refried Michigan Bean Tacos
5 years ago

About me: My name is Nick Milan, I am 34 years old, I am an acrobatic performer and permaculture designer and enthusiast.

My day job usually looks like:


but I have mixed the gardens and acro in the past

I have recently become a father, and that has changed me considerably. I am committed to getting the word out about better ways to live in harmony with the world. I think this might be my niche for doing that. I am going to begin editing some videos together for my first #logbody video, but I was hoping i might post the clips here and get somefeed back on what lands and what doesn't. i will also be editing some photos and clips for the Insta that I would appreciate eyes on.

I want, for this project, to feel like a sketch comedy type of show ala W/ Bob&David or Mr. Show, with a lot of time lapse sequences similar to Survival Skills Primitive on youtube:
5 years ago
I am currently filming concepts for my re-branded Instagram account @AcrobaticLumberjack

Following the advice I got from Paul Wheaton about passive income, I have started to generate some video content that is hilarious (I hope), sexy (i'm told) and contains the bricks of a new society, great ideas from permaculture, put in to practice on camera with lots of manual labor filmed in the guise of a Fitness Craze called #logbody

I am looking for feedback on some of these clips and for people to point out what I am forgetting to consider, so that my feed isn't lame.
5 years ago

r ranson wrote:

Andy Moffatt wrote:When you send an animal to the slaughter house they remove the hide, head, feet and entrails which for sheep and goats is usually 55-60% of the liveweight so 42pounds from a 100 pound animal is about right. We usually worked on 42% yield on the farm I used to work on when sending lambs away

Yes, it is pretty standard.

I think there are a lot of useful parts on an animal that we don't use anymore.  We can make headcheese from goat and sheep - it's quite nice actually.  Sometimes the facility tosses the neck which makes the best sausage.  The hide can be tanned or used as rawhide.  Fat for soap, hand cream, a lotion for oiling wooden tools, or even as grease for some mechanical tools.  Hooves make rattles or gelatin.  Bones and horns are very useful.  guts for sausage casings, stomach and pluck for haggis (goat haggis is very nice, it's like an oatmeal sausage).  I can understand why these are tossed in an abattoir as they aren't very popular with the modern pallet.  

However, I don't find that kind of waste acceptable for my own animals.  It's like cooking a meal, then tossing over half of it in the trash.  I'm very soft-hearted about my livestock and I don't feel it honours their giving their life for my subsistence if I don't make the most of it.  Also, I'm frugal and hate the idea of tossing useful things away.

Yes, All of this! I am about to harvest our faithful lawn mower, an inexpensive boer/nubian mutt Van-goat. We will be serving him as the centerpiece to our non-profits harvest celebration.I will be slaughtering myself and would like to fully utilize him out of respect and to show our community how to live in the third way. I am scouring the internet for resources and would really appreciate any pointers or links! I have slaughtered chickens and ducks and helped with deer and pigs in the past, but never a goat nor a large animal by myself. I;ve got about three weeks to prepare.

7 years ago
I hear your concerns about digging up your work, I believe you can fix this topside. The best first flush system I have seen runs parallel to the down spouts, a slight disadvantage in your case because of the multiple down spouts. Here is an image I found on line, baby crying... Let me know if you have questions
7 years ago