Hae-Yuan Chang

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since Aug 04, 2017
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Recent posts by Hae-Yuan Chang

Good point! But I am going to install a composting toilet and there is no shower in there.
4 years ago
Hi Permies!

Forgive me, I am new to the natural building world. My bathroom doesn't have walls yet- I was wondering if you had any suggestions instead of getting plywood or drywall. It looks like the picture below. Can I make a straw and clay mixture instead? Or anything you recommend, like putting an earthern plaster over plywood? I'd appreciate any insight that you may have!

4 years ago
I live in an intentional community that I helped start 4 years ago in urban Orlando. We are trying to get our vision and agreement straight and figure out how to manage our different lifestyles (some having more time to commit) and I would really like to figure out how to address fairness, pulling own weight, not feeling guilty or frustrated, by looking at successful urban shared household intentional communities (whew, that's a mouthful).

Would love any suggestions that you may have!
7 years ago
Tree cutting is expensive! I figure about $1,000 to take down this pine tree which has had dead foliage for about a year or more. Granted, we would use the logs as biochar or hugel beds, but it is still a hefty amount to pay.

I want to turn the problem into the solution. Some idea a friend has was cutting off the branches (hiring some friends), leaving the trunk, and turning it into a bat house or wildlife habitat? Not sure if that would be still stable, it is close to hurricane season here. Another idea would be to try to bring the tree back to life? Not really sure!

Hoping to get advice on what to do! Thank you!!
7 years ago