Javier Ortiz

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since Aug 13, 2017
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Recent posts by Javier Ortiz

Hey man seems sweet! -- this is just a brief summary I've written up on why I want to volunteer.
My name is Javier Ortiz-Marble or Javi in short. I’m a 20-year-old (21 in October) student who recently had a change of heart – well actually I’ve always known that the corporate world does not resonate with my values. I was studying Business Administration for about a year constantly wondering when it was going to get interesting. This led me to taking some time off & trying to re-discover what motivates me. I realized that I NEED to find a way to contribute to society in a meaningful way. I hate the fact that corporations are taking over OUR planet, destroying natural habitats and hoarding resources. I also really dislike the sense of isolation and “every man for himself” culture that seems to be imposed on us. I would love to be a part of a forward-thinking community where we can set our differences aside and work together.  The most valuable thing I can offer is an earnest desire to learn, participate, contribute and grow. The major aspects of Ecovillage’s that interest me are the sense of community, sustainable agriculture and “green building”.
I am extremely interested in becoming a part of an ecovillage or intentional community and would try my hardest to benefit the community. If you are reading this please strongly consider my application for your internship/or acceptance into an intentional community.  It would mean the world to me, literally haha.
Thanks, your friend – Javier Ortiz
7 years ago
Hey my names Javier Ortiz & I am siiick of living in the city/participating in mainstream culture. I live in a place full of prejudice which I cannot relate to and its making it hard for me to get anything done. I would like to find a community of like-minded people who have an Ecovillage in the works. From there I would try to contribute any way I could in exchange for somewhere to sleep. I am very eager to learn about "Green Building", sustainable agriculture(lifelong vegetarian here) and what intentional communities look like. Please reach out to me, lets build something awesome.
Thanks for reading, Javi
7 years ago
Hey my names Javier Ortiz & I am siiick of living in the city/participating in mainstream culture. I live in a place full of prejudice which I cannot relate to and its making it hard for me to get anything done. I would like to find a community of like-minded people who have an Ecovillage in the works. From there I would try to contribute any way I could in exchange for somewhere to sleep. I am very eager to learn about "Green Building", sustainable agriculture(lifelong vegetarian here) and what intentional communities look like. Please reach out to me, lets build something awesome.
Thanks for reading, Javi
7 years ago
Hey Deb, thanks for your response! I guess what I'm looking for is an Ecovillage with an internship option where I can do work in exchange for stay. I really just want to get away from the city for awhile and get in touch with my spirituality. I want to learn about green building and sustainable agriculture(plants) and I've been vegetarian my entire life. I graduated from a vocational high-school so I'm decent when it comes to tools & building. I dont agree with most of mainstream culture and its prejudices; I thought that kind of stuff was normal in high-school but I've been humbled. I know I have a lot to offer, I just may need some help finding it.  
7 years ago
Hey ya'll, I'm going through a rough stage of my life and my motivation lately has been dead. BUT I've finally had a breakthrough and realized an "Ecovillage" would be an amazing place to learn, live and grow. I just need to get away for awhile, clear my mind and occupy it. I need a fresh perspective and I'm so fucking sick of mainstream culture - I finally see what a sham it is. Nearly everything seems to be at the expense of others and that just doesn't sit right with me. I don't feel I "belong" anywhere lately so that is why I'm reaching out. What I'm looking for are opportunities in the New England area to learn about sustainability, farming, and Ecovillage systems. I'm not sure exactly what I want to do but this is the only thing that has resonated with me, in along time. If you can relate & have more knowledge than me, please help me find something.
Thanks for your kindness & your time
Much appreciated, Javi
7 years ago