Steve Green

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since Sep 14, 2017
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I think you've done a good job with your plan. The only suggestion I'd make would be to take the sunniest spot and chuck a tomato plant or maybe two in.
You can pour half a bag of concrete premix dry in the bottom of each hole. It will cure with the moisture in the soil and stop any settling. You can also back fill the holes with washed gravel which will keep the post mostly dry. My concern is using the backhoe the holes will be too large to really support the posts side to side.
Can I get some discussion about the amount of wood burned by a Rocket Stove over a wood stove of around the same output? Looking at the numbers I note that a rocket stove in a larger space doesn't seem to be even close to as efficient as a good wood stove.
7 years ago
Cold pressed oil will take forever to dry and will probably stay sticky. Probably not a good choice for a floor.
7 years ago