Yve Leroy

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since Sep 22, 2017
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Recent posts by Yve Leroy

Anyone on here growing hydroponic tomatoes? Iam do a Dutch bucket system and having some issues with my plants, leaves curling. Ph at between 5.8-6 mostly and ec around 2.
Thanks guys. Here are a few oics
Didn’t see a forum for hydroponic gardening so posting here. I have some small white bugs and green bugs on my tomato and pepper plants and looking for a DIY spray to get rid of them. Anyone with a recipe that works without killing the plants?
Right on.. thanks again Ben Zumeta ….So in my tub every inch is 45 litres. According to google every kg of body is equal to 1 litre. Iam 85 ish and wife is 65 ish. So 150 kg. So 150 litres ,so should raise water less than 3 inches.  So tub is 39 “ high, will fill to 32, put my hot outlet at 31. Cold inlet at 6”?? What you think ? Anyone? Also did anyone ever put water jets in their DIY tubs?? I was gonna put air jets but someone said air just cools the water, better to use water!
1 year ago
Thanks so much Ben Zumeta! Thanks exactly what I wanted to see and read. How far is your top “Hotwater “ outlet below the surface of your water? What would you guess is the distance between the two outlets coming into your tub?
1 year ago
So I have built a cedar hot tub and a built a stainless steel stove to heat the water. I have 2” space between the walls of the stove where the water will be. Iam wondering where to put the ports in the hot tub, like how far apart is most efficient? How close to top of water? Here are a few pics of my build. All comments and advice welcomed. Also did anyone build a tub and hook up a pump for jets?
1 year ago
Iam in 5b so I don’t have a lot of wiggle time  to do stuff ,just  wondering if best time to take  cuttings?
1 year ago
I have four different types of grapes and last year I took a couple clippings to start new plants. I didn’t have much success. I took cuttings and put them in a bucket with soil and then in a black plastic bag and put in cool spot. I opened them in spring and they had some leaves but only one took out of the  whole bunch. What did I do wrong or is there a better way? Don’t know varieties but they only grow small grapes.
1 year ago
Is there a certain rise elevation on the pipe that comes out of the stove to go to tub? Like couple inches per foot of pipe or something like that??
1 year ago
I want to fill my wood fires Hottub with a gravity feed waterline. I have the tub half in the floor and half out. I don’t want the feed line to come above the floor. My question is will it fill the tub if I put the line down low or do I have to have the outlet above the water and let the water fall in the tub? I have plenty of “head” of water on the height I want in the tub. Basically with lots of head pressure will water push up to a height or does the water have to fall? Hope This makes sense.
1 year ago