In the video, Stamets invokes p-coumaric acid. Therefore, we will wrest away from him any attempt to reify p-coumaric acid as unique to the Northwest Coast. Euptoieta claudia feeds on Viola species. Viola contains p-coumaric acid. We have mentioned on the Smerinthus thread the highly methylated exudates from Populus buds.
Fungal Metabolites Against Skin Cancer / Trichoderma
'....methyl ester was the most potent....'
Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) uses collagenase to advance through human tissue. This report from Japan links the chemistry of the Gulf Fritillary, Euptoieta claudia, to collagenase inhibition, and notice (both cis and trans [italics]) configurations of the molecule:
Jan 2013 Japan / Viola yedoensis / Collagenase Inhibition
An interesting fungal link to p-coumaric acid is here:
2017 / Conocephalum / p-Coumaric Acid / Sabinene
Finally, p-coumaric acid links to a Japanese Papilio for sabinene, and (this [it.]), as we will show, is the link to influenza viruses:
Odawa, Japan / Papilio maackii Secretions