Rocket Mass Heater Manual
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Nathan Stewart

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since Oct 01, 2017
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So i bought a dehydrated kefir starter. After the first batch it just goes and goes ... but I don't have anything resembling "kefir grains" in the strainer. It creates a really thick tart tangy runny gel but its more gel than runny. But everything goes through a fine mesh strainer. As you might expect given that these are microbes. I certainly don't see any sort of clumps of anything left over.  A teaspoon or so and itmakes the next batch.

Anyone else have this experience? Am i just harvesting it too soon? I suppose i could let it go to separation (though that doesn't appeal to my tastebuds. If i let it go further i think it'll definitely be more yogurt than kefir.
1 year ago
I've been reading about psyllium husk for breads. Been super busy at work and still haven't found a recipe for what I'm looking for to start with. (Oat bread that's more or less just oat flour, psyllium, yeast, water, . Flax and vinegar are ok but I was trying to avoid eggs, potato starch etc that most of the bread recipes I've found seem to have. I might reconsider rice flour addition but I'm trying to stick to stuff 1) that has a long term shelf life and 2) my kid won't refuse to eat if he sees me making it.
2 years ago
FYI - I got a response using FB. The wet auger will clog the mill with dry hard grain. Shimming the auger will reduce the adjustment range.
2 years ago
Just wondering about the "wet" auger vs the normal one. It actually just looks like a better auger period. There's a lot of recirculation that can happen with the regular auger and I always have quite a bit of intact berries left at the end the auger just doesn't move.

Does the wet auger work with wheat/stones? Work better? Also, had anyone shimmed the auger with washers to keep the back of the auger against the bronze bushing? I've got about 0.370" at the bushing which just doesn't feed, but without some sort of shim, tightening the stones to the proper gap just pulls it all away from the bushing.
2 years ago
So close today. I don't have a return spring or tensioner yet, and I needed to grind some flour, so I put the handle back on and.. found out a few things.

The table is too small. It's perfect front to back, but could use some more width.

With that width, I should add the brake rotors that just came off my car this week. I don't yet know if the flywheel needs it, but the cabinet needs some more mass down low. I should probably also swap the felt feet for rubber.

I might need to go back to the separate pedal axle so I can gear up the pedal to flywheel. The actual stroke length is super short - you probably only get about 1/8 turn and that's generous. It's spinning rather leisurely with no load cranking the pedal by hand (since no return spring.)

The mill needs to be closer to the edge for the handle. I cut the corners off the table for clearance and still had to move it to just use the two outer holes .

I think the return spring is going to have to be very stout, and I'm not sure my sloppy fit table can take it. Fortunately I figured out my table saw fence adjustment since I built it and can cut tight fitting parts now on the table saw instead of using the kreg track thingy. It's fine for what it is but it's no table saw substitute.
2 years ago
Broke out the welder for the first time in ages. Mig outdoors blows... literally. Had to crank the flow way up, sun was behind me and it was tough to see the puddle. Plus I'm a duffer and really can't justify the space the machine takes up in my garage, but I didn't make any welds that didn't look ok after enough grinding.

Also cut and drilled another piece of tubing for the new hand crank (was easier to make a new hand crank than try to adapt to the trilobal shaft). A second freewheel is on the way for the hand crank. I also realized today that I need to plan on a chain tensioner. I'd sort of envisioned the crank doing that, but tensioners have to be able to move or else you're just trying to get another exact length match. Still - I have the chain, I might be able to drill it in a location that allows it.

I didn't weld the chain/strap wrench part of the pedal today, and my son was wanting me to hang out with him some more - so I didn't drag the welder back up. Printing another part tonight to hold the pedal. I think it's got enough geometry to hold up, but if not, I'll go back to the welded chain idea.
2 years ago
The other half of the freewheel crank.  Got a fit close enough to slide in but can hold the weight of the freewheel without falling out.
2 years ago
Really proud of this one. Drew this up in Freecad and printed it. It's a snap fit for an eBay freewheel sprocket. Absolutely tickled pink that it fits so snug - I wasn't sure I had enough mastery of Freecad to do the gear that tight.

I did end up taking the 2nd set of pillow blocks off. I'm going to use one and another freewheel as a chain tensioner/hand crank.  This part mounts the crank handle to the freewheel sprocket.
2 years ago
The pedal is locked to the freewheel. It's internally lubricated, and the table top should keep dust out.

I have an idea for a 2nd freewheel for the crank, but between the pillow block, freewheel & shaft adapter it'd be another $30 on a project that's already a bit over my initial projected cost. Still.. this is partly about a backup plan for feeding a picky eater, and his participation is a big deal to me.

We're sorta just dipping a toe in the hobby prepper thing. I'm not super worried about my fat self starving/Venezuela stuff yet, but this kid literally eats about 6-10 foods, and I worry that even one or two things being hard to find for a few weeks could leave him malnourished. Old timers like to say "if they get hungry enough they'll eat" but for ASD kids who are picky eaters they can literally refuse food to the point where medical intervention is required.
2 years ago
Thanks for the feedback. I was starting to feel like it wasn't of general interest.

Sourcing s bigger wheel was one reason. Also feet are more acclimated to repetitive motion than hands, in addition to more power available.
2 years ago