Michail Smith

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since Oct 04, 2017
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Sodium dichloroacetate can be really helpful for someone with Glioblastoma as additional chemotherapy treatment with TMZ.

I see you're talking about estrogen cancer inhibitors. What can I say about this subject regarding DCA.
It can aid Tamoxifen treatment in breast cancer. It can help against non-small cell lung cancer, prostate, ovary, neuroblastoma and other cancers. I have been following this substance for a couple of years now since my close friends decided to use this stuff.

A lot of people have been noting that there are no news on DCA. That's relatively true. The DCASite and DcaWatch are unactive for some time. I advise you to give it a try in http://www.DcaGuide.org on the internet or maybe on facebook. Search youtube, search databases.

DCA can be used a monotherapy or in a combination with other treatments. Look up www.DcaGuide.org .They are known to post such possibilities as well as other great information on usage, dosing and other things.

There have been frauds on Fake DCA on the internet - If you plan to buy it, I advise you to do so on Amazon. This has a strict product policy and you can buy pure and well prized products (etc. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06Y45T656/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_ep_dp_bJq1zbDMP2AAR )

So yeah, DCA can help some cancers. The problem is that it is so bloody cheap and unpatentable - no one wants to invest money for clinical research with this stuff. It costs about 1 billion $ and takes about 5 - 10 years to provide the world with a approved legit drug. DCA wont be able to bring so much cash so it will probably never undergo the procedures it needs to become a valid drug. We must remember that it was already used as a drug for the reasons mentioned above, just not for cancer. ( http://www.dcaguide.org/dca-history-and-usage )

7 years ago