kees ijpelaar

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since Oct 24, 2017
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Recent posts by kees ijpelaar

Looks like I get ignored.

How much fireclay,sharp sand, perlite, firecement for 48 liter?.

Do somebody now this? Because it is not easy to calculate and I need to order enough,
the mold need to be filled in one go.

3 days ago
I use a pipe for airchannel, 200 mm and the inside is a blanket of 25mm making 15 cm pipe.

If previous  message was for me.
3 days ago
Hi guys nice thread

I am on th right spot for mine question I think.

I have drawn a model for a RMH cast core but do not now how to calculate the amount of stuff needed.
The rmh core is 48 liters total for buried the complete mould inside the box. I did follow the video

But I do not get the right idea how much I need to buy, and mine is not a 8 but a 6 inch rmh core.

I do use perlite/cement/fireclay as the man say. But how much refractory go into a liter, it is not the
same I think as water seen the consistency of the material.

update, saw these, maybe interesting.

Can you help me out explaine what to do properly?,  mine thanks is beyond heaven.


3 days ago
Hi All

As the batch system is fro the next winter when the barn is ready I need now a heater for work I have to do
on the rover P6.

I have seen a video where the core is made from refractory cement, perlite and cement, I have no perlite but vermiculite
in a bag, I do not now if this is usable.

Have to make the refractory stuff, it is the chamotte cement in the 5 kilo bag as on picture, and fireclay with perlite.
I need more of this I think.

Question is can I use this cement seen on picture and mix it with fireclay and perlite, (need to get perlite if vermiculite is not

I have made the  box from wood for the core build, with 8 cm thick walls, need to for isolating, this together with a 8
minute rizer who consist of a 200 tube with 25 mm isolation blanked.

So I make a movable heater that way I keep neighbor as a friend and I have heat for mine work without smoke and stink..

Let me  now how to do the refractory part mix. I have let go the pocket rocket, to dangerous for so close with me.
Possible I only need the cement as on picture because it has already chamotte grain, clay and aluminium cement.

It is like here.

4 days ago

allen lumley wrote: Baxter T. : W.O.W., all I can say is a Big Welcome to PERMIES, and the Permies Rocket Stove Forum/Threads! The sensors are a  thing that has been talked to death
without anyone actually doing any thing about it ! If you had to duplicate the sensors and the arduino system to make it compatible with a lap top what do you think it
would cost?

After I have a chance to take this all in, I will probably be back with a dozen questions ! Again just as one member to another welcome. For the Craft!  Pyro AL

I saw this, and yes it is old.

The sensor thingie is not that difficult, I have old LPG boxes what use a servo and a lambda sonde for measuring oxygen in output gasses
and do regulate to get as less as possible what confirms good combustion's.

the stepmotor can be change for a valve step system so the computer can regulate the air input.


1 week ago
Hi there all

I had buy the book from Ianto Evans and Leslie Jackson.

However because of a hd crash in past I can not find the copy I buy anymore.

Is there a way to get a replacement? if you still have mine credentials,
it was I think on old email adres or
Both do not excist anymore. it is some years ago I did buy it.

2 weeks ago
For Peter

where I can best buy stuff for the heaters? like stone and mortar/concrete. I did see the prise differences
are enormous.

2 weeks ago
Did try again.

Both pipes the same diameter. Then it works but I do not be convinced this
is a clean burner because I did smell wood smoke, but do not see it.

Burn of the paint did not work, get not hot enough, but it was also very cold
close to freezing weather with wind, so the barrel did cool off.

Maybe isolating the bottom do help, but making a turbo version do work
a lot better for the temporary heater I need.


2 weeks ago

William Bronson wrote:The pocket rocket I just built failed miserably, refusing to draft the up the right pipe no matter what I did.
I did take liberties with the design, using a 6" feed pipe and 3" chimney.
Evans and Jackson called for a 4" chimney.
I think I might skip past that right onto a 6" chimney.
Here is a photo of the delightfully ass-backerd burn:

I had the same problem, fire came out of the feeder and the shimney stays cold.

Feeder is 15 cm pipe and shimney is 11 cm, maybe these need the same.
3 weeks ago