jim costello-mikecz

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since Nov 10, 2017
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Recent posts by jim costello-mikecz

Take Epsom salt baths. You probably don't need more calcium, but need to balance your calcium to magnesium ratio. Most people are calcium dominant, and magnesium is arguably a more important mineral. In addition, getting enough 10am-2pm sunshine depending on your location (some locations the UV rays are heavily filtered based on the angle of the earth, higher latitudes you will need more). And also a high quality vitamin K2 supplement to help prevent calcium being deposited in the walls of your arteries, and storing it in your bones and teeth where it belongs. Drink acidic beverages through a straw. Don't avoid acid though, helps with digestion, just don't bathe your teeth in it and put it down the gullet...

AND FYI I have had dentists tell me I had cavities, and then later it is shown they are gone. Teeth are not kitchen knives, they are living things, being constantly bathed in a mineral bath of vitamins, saliva, soda, food, and more. That's a terrible analogy. And if they are like kitchen knives, then Vitamin K2 is an electrochemical plating method that adds layers of metal via a chemical process. It would be like saying skin is like paper, once it's cut, it's cut!! No...

If I were you I would weigh the benefit of trying to heal yourself vs the potential damage of the healing not working. If the tooth is a goner what do you have to lose? Can it spread to other teeth? Have you gotten a second opinion?

You could even have your saliva tested for vitamin K2 levels.

Source: DYOR and I'm 30 and never had a cavity.
1 year ago
Hi, I have a bit of photography/videography and YouTube creation. I am not nearby, wife and I may be interested in boot camp next year. I am in Wisconsin, we had a big garden last year and still stay active in sustainable living, entrepreneurship, etc.

Anywho, let me know if you need someone to make videos and the details. I think it'd be fun and I bought a new Macbook and need to justify the purchase to myself XD.

Obviously I cannot take the videos myself, but could edit the raw footage, add images, weed out the fluff, add transitions, clean it up, upload to Youtube, etc.
Start time would depend on a few things.

What kind of work/experimentation are you doing right now? I watched the boot camp videos and understand the workload (40 hours + general cleanup).

I have some obligations that keep me in WI until Nov. 28th.
7 years ago
Hello Permies!

I stumbled into Paul Wheaton's videos while doing research on a waste oil burning stove. I'm really interested in the boot camp program.

What is the application procedure?

A little about me: I am a recent graduate in Environmental Science from UW - Madison. I am an engineer at heart however. I have some work experience in pulp and paper, art studios, and chemical engineering.

I am new to the forums. I see the deadline for application is coming up. I will scour the forums for more information in the mean time. Thanks! Looking forward to hearing back from someone.

7 years ago