B Callender

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since Nov 12, 2017
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Recent posts by B Callender

Can a Mulberry bush grow in a warm climate like Texas? I know it gets cold over the winter but has a long summer there so curious as to whether it will do well there.

1 year ago
I don't like acronyms.

Not every situation can be simplified into either a bullshite acronym or slang again simplified into an acronym.

Most people's descriptive language is getting smaller and smaller from what I am experiencing. My friend and I joke on how many overly used words that are constantly used, many times wrongly to describe something as in iconic, game changer and my favorite "narrative".
2 years ago
Or just don't wear any panties. I haven't worn them in over 20 years but I don't have discharge like I hear other ladies do. Great idea though!
2 years ago
I bought a manual washer about 20 years ago that was ok. I am in the market for one again and curious what other people use.
2 years ago
As a female currently going through the same thing the number one things that help is a hotel or a trip somewhere. Going somewhere getting out of the bedroom you never sleep in really helps me.

Camping also great for when I can't sleep especially when it's warm. Going on atleast a week long trip to get her out of her head could help, either alone or with you. This helps me.

Make her some Valerian tea and tell her if she really wants to fucking sleep she needs to drink it. Make it for her somewhat strong and stick the cup in her face.

You can empathize till the cows come home but having a backbone helps with with an irritable woman or atleast it helps me😁. This is also coming from a woman who grew up with a depressed mother and the best things that helped her in her darker times was a kick in the arse.
3 years ago
Hi All,

I wanted to point out the LEDs are bad for your eyes. Not trying to be annoying just confused as to why I am of the few who notice how harsh this light is. LEDs emit a high amount of blue light which creates sleep disorders, vision disorders etc.

Here are some articles on it:



LEDs not good for you but possibly some with the amber color variation better.

I just want everyone to be healthy.

7 years ago

Hi not sure if you found anything but you sound like a nice fit.
I read most of your wish to find some space on land that would be open to you and how you want to live your life. I just bought 30 acres in Oregon 40 minutes from Salem Oregon. We plan on building cob houses and inviting others who would like to live in community. Though there will be background checks since we do have kids and would live to invite others with kids. We have 3 kids and a few cats playing around. I have lived in collectives in the past and there won't be in any food police or polyamory rules. Just kinda artsy, down to earth people. We really wanted to find this for ourselves but got lucky and want to share the land with others. We are also open to ther building stuctures. We were thinking $400 a month at the moment. You could building your own little house or pull an rv up. There is spring and access to laundry in the house. We would ultimately like the house to be an art studio and maybe space for others to live. Anyway just trying to give a feel for ideas we have the land. Also I am vegetarian but my partner eats meat. So we are open to whatever diets that people need on their path:)

We do want this to be a communal endeavor so dinners together, meetings would be apart of this too.
7 years ago