Doug Steffen

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since Nov 13, 2017
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Alaska, South Central
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I live in AK. I've lived in Anchorage for forty years. I am just now selling my house in town and moving to my cabin on 140 ac. just north of Anch.
I would sugget you come up and visit during the summer and spend some time looking around  There is a shortage of workers ever since covid came along.
AK is a very big place and there is a huge varity of types of land to choose from .
A couple of things to consider.
=I wouldn't waste my time with the Goverment auctions (Been ther done that)
=Land that is truly remote will be expensive to get to , haul material to.....
=You can get land on or just off the road system and life will be a lot easier.
= Ballpark prices without waterfront....
                               1 AC 10-15k
                             40 + AC 2k per AC
= you might try these links        
3 years ago
This isn't a rocket or cobb tub heater. But it might serve the purpose.You can skip to about min. 31:00
3 years ago
I had a similar situation when I rebuilt my old log cabin. I took all the old drbris out. Then I put a vapor barrier on the ground, 3/4 plywood on top of the floor joist then 1" of insulation board and then 1/2 plywood underlayment on top.
3 years ago
In my case, I chose an excavator. I've got 140 acres and starting from scratch other than a trail to the property. I picked up a mini ex. 8K pounds with a blade and a thumb for $20K. I have been very happy with my choice. I have done plenty of digging and logging, lifting.... The thumb has been a great help for logging. I did hire a dozer and operator for 1 day to do some clearing for a fire break around the cabin. Which did leave a big mess that I;ll have to pick through. One advantage of the excavator for logging is that you don't have drag your logs through the dirt. Which will save on blades and chains for your saws. It soumds you might be able to get a larger machine which is good. I would if I could.
3 years ago
I would agree with most of what Dan said. If you wanted to build an earthship in AK I would suggest moving a bit south to what is referred to a Southcentral AK. Keep in mind that the ground freezes here also for 6-7 mths a year. So your construction season for dirt work is Limited to 6 mths or so, depending on the year. You also would have much better access to used tires. if that is a concern.
3 years ago
I'm going to get a 8' dim.. culvert in the next 2 weeks, I intend to bury it in the side of a  hill  - north facing as a root cellar. We'll see how that turns out. I'm in Alaska so I can't find much on root cellaring here?? I'm sure I'll have to tey it and see how it works... and adjust...wish me luck
3 years ago
How about grinding some chicken and making burger and sausage?
3 years ago
I'm downsizing and have to get rid of 300-350 "jewel cases" / Cd cases . Where can they be" dealt" with?
3 years ago

thomas rubino wrote:Double wrapping with freezer paper works for around 20 months.

I would agree. This has always worked well for me.
4 years ago