Darlene LaMar

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since Feb 23, 2018
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ooh.. your Initials are R.R. or at least that's what I'm guessing .. (ps.. the example of J.O. in my last list of suggestions was just an example of suggestions because I forgot sometimes people have their actual names or initials in the header.. I'm so used to Screen Names and Pen Names)

You could totally use R.R.'s Crossing or something like that and upgrade your bicycle riding goose to a Train Conducting Goose.. it would be super cute
7 years ago
Here's a few ideas..

A Good Ole' Yarn.. Has a double meaning as Yarn could mean Tale or Story to some

Mother Goose.. As in the Nursery Rhymes .. Gives a Whimsical Feel to your Shop

Goose.. As in Maverick's Sidekick in Top Gun.

GeeseZ Rider .. a play on Easy (or EZ) Rider.. or Geesey Rider or Geesie Rider or Geese-Z Rider for the same play on Easy Rider just with a couple of options at different spellings..

And you wouldn't have to change your Logo for any of the Store (Shop) Names because "A Good Ole' Yarn" could be a Tale or Story spun about a Goose Riding A Bicycle..

If you decide to change your Logo there's names like

Homespun or Home Spun




Spinster - another one with a double meaning (actually triple meaning if you know anyone who's ever been to a Spin Class) and you could have fun with..

Ole' Spinster.. Old Spinster.. again more than one meaning and you could have fun with it..

Giving And Growing

Growing And Giving


Sewn Talents or Talents Sewn .. if you want or don't mind a recognizable Bible Reference..

Knit Up if you want something funny.. (think "Nut up")

Long Spun Yarn - A long story or tale or an actual long spun yarn..

A few other name ideas:

Fairs and Markets

Fair Market

Market Fair

Fair Made (a play on Fair Maid)

Farm To Market

Or go with Initials

Like if your Initials are J.O. .. J.O.'s Market .. just put your Initials in front of the word Market, Shop or Store.. or take the initials from a Store or Shop Name you like..

Like your Shop Name used to be TrampledByGeese.. TG's Market, TG's Shop, TG's Store, etc.. or say you like a name I suggested like Giving and Growing but say it's one you can't use because it's not available.. try GG's Market, GG's Shop, GG's Store, GO's Boutique, etc.. until you find one that works for you and the Sites you're using to sell on..

Have fun. Go with something you like or can or will have fun with or something that just clicks and feels right.

You never know.. if you just get back into the swing of selling your products at fairs and farmers markets without worrying about a name, a name might come out at you like a bolt of lightning..

Let me know if you liked or even hated any of my name ideas.. I could and probably will think of others and I don't want to head in the wrong direction when it comes to giving suggestions like this
7 years ago
So would it be FIVE dollars a month for five Hectares?

Also I am from the U.S. .. and I have a passport.. I just want to know what else I might need in terms of documentation to rent land or own land and live there in Uruguay..
7 years ago
I am interested .. Where is the land?

Is there an eventual purchase option that can be put on the table?
7 years ago
build a greenhouse around the well.. use cement around the outside edges to secure the greenhouse walls to the ground and keep the critters out if you make a cement floor around the well.. make an Atrium.. grow some plants like Ivy around the side of the well .. make it a pretty indoor space to relax in.. the mosquito problems can be resolved once you make the well all closed off in a more secured indoor space by putting up sticky fly trap strips, bug zappers and citronella candles the birds and existing critters will probably take off once you start building the green house because of all the disturbance building things causes.. wild animals and birds should scatter due to the noise and all the rummaging around and disturbing the space that you'd be doing
7 years ago
For $25,000 I would tow up a 4 wheel drive vehicle that runs good for you, I'd also bring you a couple of brush hogs (one is mine but I could give you the other for you to keep if you want), a couple of chainsaws, buckets, tillers and at least one other person and spend a day or two helping you clear out some land, planting things you actually want to grow and I will haul off as much as I can from the things you don't want on your land..

There's tons of ideas of what to do with the land.. Use some of those slopes to make water features like small waterfalls, small ponds, etc.., set up an Aquaponics System to grow various vegetables, fruits, nuts or crops.. instead of digging into the ground to grow things use containers like plastic IBC totes to grow things and set up above ground Aquaponics Systems.. Use Vertical Grow Methods like Vertical Grow Towers for things like Cabbage.. Use Micro-Growing Techniques to grow things like Raddishes, Herbs, Mint Leaves.. The possibilities of things you can grow and the ways you can grow those things all without digging into the ground are endless.. Keep Honey Bees.. Goats.. Sheep.. Chickens.. Turkeys.. If you find rocks on your land you can sell them.. Yes.. People BUY ROCKS (or give them away to people who can come to your land to haul them away.. same thing with any plants you don't want.. people can find a use for anything and everything even all of those thorns)... you could fill up buckets with just dirt or fill up some sandbags with just dirt and sell them (People will buy DIRT) or give them away.. with a piece of land that size the world is your oyster
7 years ago
Hi.. I'm very interested... My husband actually has experience building furniture and cabinets .. I would love to help build your rainbow bridges and I've always wanted to visit Oregon and Washington.. It's beautiful land..

Have you considered growing Paulownia Trees or Linden Trees and keeping honey bees on the land?.. What about building a Wailipini? Would you mind if I built a Wailipini on the land? (a Wailipini is basically digging a bug deep hole, planting some vegetables, fruits, nuts or crops in the hole and then sheltering the top of the hole with glass.. It's basically an underground Greenhouse that keeps the plants growing inside, growing in optimal conditions, all year round).. Also maybe a Root Cellar?.. I love building things underground, I could build a few Wailipinis and Root Cellars, different ones for different types of fruits, nuts, vegetables and crops, and make them accessible through tunnels to a central basement and build an Earthship above the basement and grow even more things in the Earthship .. If you will allow Honey Bee Keeping I have always wanted to try making an underground dome structure combined with a Wailipini that has nothing but one type of plant that provides lots of nectar and putting a honey bee colony in the underground dome, keeping the fragile honey bees out of the elements, keeping them warm and keeping them providing honey from just one source all year round.. I could sell the honey as Artisan Honey.. I also have ideas for growing things using Vertical Grow Methods, Hydroponics, Aeroponics and Aquaponics.. various methods of growing fruits, nuts, vegetables and crops to keep things growing as healthy, organic and sustainable as possible.. I have tons of ideas if this opportunity is still available and you would be willing to permit some of my ideas on your land and if you would be willing to provide the materials for the things you actually want to have built like the bridges and the Earthship home and such.. also.. Are you going to provide Solar Power Panels and/or a Windmill and the necessary stuff for water catchement and plumbing for the Earthship home?
7 years ago