Virginia Dee

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since May 12, 2019
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I'm 60. My husband is 77 with dementia, but still functional. He just forgets everything. I've been looking at retirement options now, and I think what I would really like is a room on a farm/ranch/community. Do some chores/gardening, pay some rent, and have community meals. Said room could even be a shed, as long as there was heat, a fan, and a light for at night. Indoor plumbing (or outhouse right next to the shed, with a clear handrail/path) would be important so he doesn't get lost when he gets up to pee in the middle of the night.
4 years ago
My first thought was that you wanted to render the old nasty oils rather than just use them directly. If you have food/other particles in the fat, you just need to heat it and strain it. Bacon grease makes great soap, btw. Here's a decent link on how to render wild boar fat, which is pretty stinko:
4 years ago
Love this, esp the canning house. I need a canning house now! And Willow houses are always such an experiment--thanks for showing yours.
4 years ago
My first post here! I did support at the level I wanted & just wanted to say that I'm really looking forward to reading the book! Thank you for all you do!!
5 years ago