K Barnes

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since Mar 22, 2018
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Recent posts by K Barnes

Hello Odessa

Love your list of "Loves!"
Your Post caught my eye and you sound like you have a very unique personality... I like that.
I am s Single White Male who has been attempting to create a nice Intentional Community and having a partner, like you, would be great.
If you are Interested in being friends, you can visit my website then contact me their.
I share lots of great videos their about Community Life, enjoy.

Thanks - Have a great day
6 years ago
Hello Donanne

How did you do in the cold snap you just had...  very very cold!
Your Post caught my eye and you and your family sound very nice.
I am s Single White Male who has been attempting to create a nice Intentional Community and having a partner, like you, would be great.
If you are Interested in being friends, you can visit my website then contact me their.
I share lots of great videos their about Community Life, enjoy.

Thanks - Have a great day
6 years ago
Hello Permies

Alt Terra Commons is a Forming Community and now has Open Volunteer Positions that need filling.

Some of the areas available include:

Mechanic, Chef, Nurse, Construction, Fitness Trainer, Homeschooling Teacher, Potter, Musician, Market Gardening and more...

If you are skilled in any of these areas or others, and are interested in Living in Community, please get in touch.

You can also visit our Website - https://altterracommons.wixsite.com/altterracommons - to learn more about us.

Thank You
Director & Co-creator - Kevin
6 years ago
~ Community Founders Wanted ~

If you have always wanted to help develop a new Intentional Community, now is your chance!
We need: 1. Benefactors for Housing, Land and Financing, plus 2. Members as Resident Workers and Small
Business's, and 3. Volunteers to help Preplan and Design all aspects of our community.
For more info, please visit:  

Main Website Link 

6 years ago
Share Ideas on "How to Start" an Intentional Community

If you have practical experience or great ideas on "How to Start' an Intentional Community please share here.
I think this will make a great thread and help a lot of people.
My own Start Up community Link is listed below.
Thanks Permies!

Main Website Link

6 years ago