Hello all, I’m a novice that’s done a lot of reading but has no experience. I bought some used beehives and set them up over a year ago. This year, a swarm moved into one. They seem pretty robust, are cleaning it out. I just want to leave them alone, but also will not “help” them in any way, besides the following.
I am curious if anyone on this site has tried these things (copper on the entrance, magnets on the hive), and whether they think it helps. To me the copper makes a lot of sense, the magnets are a little out there.
I’m waiting for copper flashing to arrive to try that, but in the mean time I put magnets on the hive in the proper orientation (after some study, it appears you just want a north-south facing hive ideally, but you put a magnet on each side of the hive with the same polarity orientation as the poles). The bees, at the very least, don’t seem to have changed their behavior with the magnets attached to the hive.
I don’t really want to “keep bees”, I just want to provide homes for them to thrive and survive, so the goal is to have bees that are capable of doing their thing without interventions