Larry Versaw

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since Jul 08, 2018
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Ok so an update now that it is 10 days since the last post on this thread. The Carolina reapers appear to be growing new leaves on top where they had been shriveled up at.  So they may not be producing but they are STILL fighting and trying.

Sarah Koster wrote:How much do you trust Scott's garden soil in the first place? I mean.... I wouldn't really trust their soil considering what other products they produce and market. Even feed suppliers like Purina have been known to "accidentally" include ingredients that are poisonous to the animals it's intended for... so I don't really see how something like soil that's even less regulated would be immune to corporate blunders. Like basically everybody already said, it looks like there's herbicide in the soil based on which plants are tolerating it vs failing to thrive. I would bet that the product you purchased just was not up to standard in the first place.

. This year I put in I think 5 or 6 large bags of Scott’s garden soil.   If the underground lines are so that I can I will try to move the garden to another location build up a 6 inch bed and have topsoil brought in.  Maybe that would be the way to go next year.
Well we have got a lot of rain lately and that could be the yellowing but I’m more concerned by the fact that the tops of the plants are curled and virtually leafless while mid to bottom have leaves and no fruit.  

As for fertilizers I have used manure before and as for letting the soil rest I did that last summer by not doing a garden.

The ONLY thing I can think of at this point that could be a link is that all plants except the corn and sunflowers  were sprayed with the bottle in the picture below.  And they really are the only ones doing great.   Tomato’s are big plant wise but no fruit.

I used that spray every 3 days for about a month and I stopped because they started looking as they are in the pictures.

Shouldn’t be this but that is the ONLY link I can find or think of as to why those I sprayed are bad and those I didn’t are good.
And the weeds are not having any trouble growing either
Only thing I sprayed was a vitamin e vegetable spray.  And my neighbors done even mow much less spray anything
Here are some better pictures of my issue close up of leaves comparing one plant that is doing well and producing large peppers while the plant right beside is is small weird leaves some blooms but no fruit no production.   Some with yellow leaves with splotches while also showing how good the corn and sunflowers are and even though tomatoes are huge, well half of them, only two plants have any fruit.  Between my shown test results and the new pictures can this help anyone narrow down my issue?  Something than can be fixed for next year?  Or is this garden spot just forever toasted?
Potash. I can’t  tell but looks either adequate or deficient can’t really tell.  So the nitrogen is the most puzzling and hardest to tell what it is but it appears that these tests show that either nitrogen may be low, not sure again can’t really tell.  Or that this is herbicide poisoning some how.  

Some of the leaves on a couple of plants appear to be getting slightly better but then most the other peppers are starting to look the same as the worst ones.  I’m at a loss
Phosphorus test appears to be either adequate or sufficient one can’t tell for sure
If anything it looks closer to depleted but the corn and sunflowers are so good that that doesn’t seem right
Well here are my nitrogen tests problem is it doesn’t look like any of the result colors.  It just looks like water with dirt in it. Lol.  So if you can tell what the results are please tell me. This is why I hate these soil tests cause it all just looks like dirty water.