Central PA here. As of nov 15 we have had freezing weather what I do in the winter is empty all auto watering systems for my rabbits, quail, and chickens and go to dishes. My rabbits I have to use hard plastic dishes or they will chew them but for the chickens I find the 10$ rubber dishes at my local feed store work perfect. I fill water every evening when I get home from work sometimes before I leave if I have time. When I get home I fill a five gallon bucket bout half full and make my rounds the chickens water is frozen I just flip it over stomp it and the ice chuck falls out flip the dish over and fill it up the chickens and rabbits will drink their fill and drink until the water freezes again and they will be fine until you get around to filling it up again, being cold they are not overheating. My rabbit dishes are normally flipped already as they like to toss them around. I even used gallon milk jugs cut in half anything that can hold water and the ice can be knocked out of. Its extra work but I refuse to pay for water heaters that could go out and freeze my water lines for my auto systems.