So this yea I really took a fall into the homesteading
pond and started raising my own meat sources and despite my distaste for
chicken I bought 12
Freedom rangers, now I know why get
chickens if you dont like
chicken? Well I really cut back on chicken after helping my brother with butchering we do about 300 chickens on a saturday morning but what bothers me is when we have to butch the cornish and while i have seen healthy so to speak cornish cross the ones we would get to butcher from the chicken houses like prude and tyson build were well lets just say I almost dropped chicken from my diet. So freedom rangers seemed like a great new breed for me to try and raise my own food at the same time. I moved them into a 100' circle pen in the meadow with netting over top and raised them to the recommend age and man chicken is back on the menu with a vengeance. I sadly only had 12 though and plan on stepping my game up next year seeing as my sister also wouldnt mind a few in the freezer and I just truly enjoy raising animals. I am actually hatching some new chicks due today for my egg laying flock. Sorry about this paper back book here but now to the question at hand.
Fish for
feed? I love to fish for fun and food and while i love me some perch i also just enjoy catching sunnies and really anything and was thinking i get
alot of river chubs, fall fish, suckers and sun fish and while i know i can fillet sun fish if i were to keep them would this be a good source of food for my chickens? Now i seen alot about feeding fish to them and how it can result in some what fishy eggs so maybe not for my egg laying chickens but when im raise my next batch of freedom rangers would it be worth keeping fish to add to their diet along with the feed i am already feeding them? Just to help cut back on the total amount of feed in the long run? I would plan on feeding them cut up fish when they are big
enough until maybe a week before they are ready for butch. I wonder if a week would be enough to make sure they dont taste fishy or is that even a thing? I am just looking for a way to cut the cost of their feed down a little an since im already out on the
water catching fish i figured this could be a good way. Also if anyone has any info on this what would be the best way? Cut the fish up into chunks or run it through a hand grinder into a burger type mush and just feed them a scoop of that along with their store feed? Any help is awesome.