Daniel Tura

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since Aug 13, 2018
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Hi, I'm interestead in sustainable living, mushrooms, herbs, nutrition, medicine. You're welcome to talk to me.
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Setting up a low-tech small scale low-cost  mushroom farm for business or for your own kitchen is fun. Mushrooms don't need fancy equipment to grow what they need is for you to provide them conditions for proper development which may be achieved by using low-tech equipment. Low-Tech means low-cost which is the ideal state for every beginner grower wanting to start a mushroom farm for self sufficiency or business. This also involves fun projects and requires growers to have a certain degree of creativity. Here you'll find valuable knowledge on how a successful startup mushroom farm looks like. 

Where: https://mushroomclasses.com
2 years ago

This training program discusses gourmet and medicinal mushrooms together with their look-alikes found across the US, Canada, Europe, Asia or Middle East. This mushroom foraging course is dedicated to all beginner fungus enthusiasts wanting to learn how to identify wild gourmet and medicinal mushrooms. If you love being outdoors and always wanted to learn about wild food, this is a great opportunity for you to learn how to safely collect and identify gourmet and medicinal mushrooms. Mushroom hunting is more than a passion -it comes with benefits on multiple levels. Whether you find yourself looking for treasures in the woods, cook flavorful meals or prepare healing potions and elixirs this will put a smile on your face whenever the rain comes.

You'll be learning valuable skills that you may use wherever you go for a lifetime. Just to name a few: where to find mushrooms, how to correctly identify them, how to collect and preserve them, or how to cook them.

Where: https://mushroomclasses.com

2 years ago
This course is composed of

- video lectures: 13 hours & 47 minutes
- instructional videos: 1 hour & 4 minutes
- quizzes: 5
- articles: 4
- projects: 7
- Q&A support

By the end of this training you'll have a general understanding on how mushrooms grow, what to start with and how to grow them indoors and outdoors in a sustainable manner. Whether you want to design a garden permaculture model or just want to grow oyster mushrooms on coffee grounds this training will teach how you can do that including how to offer them the climate condition they need for optimal development -everything done following a low-tech approach which involves minimal costs and stimulates creativity.

Where: https://mushroomclasses.com
2 years ago

This is a FREE eBook on how to grow oyster mushrooms. It shows you the step-by-step cultivation process including growth conditions and some of the common pests.
2 years ago
They are easy to grow indoors as well -would suggest to try hardwoods (oak, poplar, beech, etc). Works best with grain spawn (not liquid inoculum)
3 years ago
You could try milky mushroom (Calocybe indica) if you live in an area with hot weather
3 years ago
Try to grow something simple like oysters first then later when you gain some experience try portobellos
3 years ago
Yes, they are stinkhorn mushrooms !
3 years ago
IF you go for fungi, make sure you pick pine loving mushrooms (oysters will do: especially blue oyster, and phoenix)
3 years ago