David Olson

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since Aug 20, 2018
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All the trees still look pretty good considering the damage to the trunks. All are still green and seem to be ok. I'll just let it ride and hope for the best. Thanks.
6 years ago
The second one had a round smooth, almost black berry on it earlier in the summer. Looked almost like a black grape. And it was very shiny.
6 years ago
Hello, I'm on my new homestead, and this apple orchard is already in. The trees were neglected for a year or so. The grass wasn't cut, no water, just ignored. So after getting the grass cut I found all the trees had that white plastic stuff wrapped around the trunks. It was tight on most of the trees and didn't look good. So I took it off. This is what I found under some of it. So I'm curious what is going on here and what if anything should I do? Thanks.
6 years ago
I'm on my new homestead and it's full of awesome fruit trees and bushes. But I need a little help identifying some of them. Thanks.
6 years ago