K Eilander

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since Aug 23, 2018
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Recent posts by K Eilander

I realize this is short notice, but I didn't see it until today.

Curtis Stone is hosting a free workshop "How to go from urban to homestead as quickly as possible" tonight (Nov 27, 2024, 7:PM US Central time)

Sounds interesting.  I'm going to try to make it.
2 weeks ago
A lot of us want to focus less on annuals and more on perennials, but what to do about lettuce?
This is an interesting idea!
1 month ago
So, the recent hurricane disaster in North Carolina/East Tennessee has left behind a toxic mess.  The rivers are basically a nasty soup of chemical, biological, and possibly even nuclear (ever heard of Oak Ridge?) contaminants.

This evening Alan Booker, executive director of the Institute of Integrated Regenerative Design, gave a presentation at Mars Hill NC on how they might begin the process of using bioremediation to restore their area.

Some very interesting information.  Very cutting-edge stuff straight out of his research.  And who knows, those Appalachian folks may just pioneer some new techniques that will be of great importance to all of us in the future!

Well, enough of my rambling.  Here's the recording of the event.
NOTE: there was apparently a technical issue, so no sound for the first few minutes

1 month ago
I'm sure they make cast iron ones.  I know I've seen them around.

Me personally, if I'm going to be unhealthy anyway, I go for the gusto and just fry those puppies!

1 month ago
Which generator type is "better", diesel or propane(dual-fuel) as a backup power source for an offgrid system?

Also, since it may factor into it, which has the best/simplest homemade green fuel alternative?
Where the one generator would be running on biodiesel, and the other could (presumably) be run on woodgas.

What do you think?  What would/did you all go with?

1 month ago
Saw a new electric tractor conversion project uploaded this week.
1 month ago
I haven't done it, but I like the looks of this
2 months ago
Coopdozer - what happens when chickens become unreasonable.
2 months ago

Anne Miller wrote:
Let us say that all peach trees in your journal would P, then assign a number to each tree in your journal.

"I really like the peaches from this tree.`  So this tree might be P1.  I am I making this clear?

Yeah, that's a great idea having a code!

But instead of P being "peach" maybe it could mean a "P" in Sobkowiak's "NAP" method.

Or, maybe the code is what forest layer the plant is, so if it falls off and you see "S-24" lying on the ground then you know it's referring to the Shrub layer.

Now you've got me thinking... :)
2 months ago