Danielle Chamberlain

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since Aug 28, 2018
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Check out Lockhart Ironworks Forged Skillets! A small family blacksmith shop in Logan, Ohio. The skillets are BEAUTIFULLY crafted and functional. Here’s a link to the Process of making the skillets and a link to the website. We love using them!


For nearly 40 years Doug Lockhart has been working as a full time Blacksmith, producing magnificent age-old reproductions and time honored metalwork as did his forefathers.

Nearly four years ago the challenge was presented to the shop to forge a functional balanced cooking skillet The challenge was accepted and so began Lockhart’s forged skillet cookware line. The finished skillet was amazing in design and superior in function higher than any currently made carbon skillets.

Wanting to create a traditional look and keeping the skillet balanced and pleasing decoratively were a few integral points in the design criteria of each skillet. Heirloom quality and affordability with superior function also added more to the mix.

The Lockhart’s stand behind each pan with a limited lifetime guarantee against any forging production concerns.

The goal of Lockhart forged skillets, is to produce by hand, using traditional forging practices, an heirloom cooking skillet that you will be able to enjoy for many generations.
4 years ago