Ethan Pitt

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since Sep 24, 2018
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Recent posts by Ethan Pitt

Jason Learned wrote:I'll get some pictures of the older design when I get home.

You live very far...
6 years ago

Graham Chiu wrote: does get the dome to 500 deg C but not the floor.  So, potentially his toppings will burn before the crust is cooked..

Well there's too much mass for that riser (looks like a 6")

I wonder how hot it'd get with two risers going in.

My plan is to use an electric oven so maybe with it being smaller it might get hotter. and to be honest I wouldn't mind adding some fire in the back for more heat and "looks"
6 years ago

Graham Chiu wrote: and have a workable pizza oven.

Any chance for some pictures please?
6 years ago

Jason Learned wrote: but we get better consistent heat if we let one roar and as it simmers down we load the other and away it goes.

So the two can't roar together?

I wish I could see this oven in action to get a better understanding how it works. Does it burn clean like a rocket?
6 years ago

Jason Learned wrote:Hi Luca,

Sorry I didn't get the message there was a new post here.

Here are some pix of the oven.
We still have to add the secondary air feed, so we have to be careful how much wood we put in, but it throws out a lot of heat. The foot pedal is for the guillotine door that helps get the oven really hot.


Any chance you upload some more photos please, or better yet, a sketchup of how your setup work? I can't make sense of it.
Do you get flame inside of your oven?
6 years ago
Hi Luca,

Have you made any progress with your project?

I'm looking at building a rocket pizza oven using an electric oven, this is my thread here if you'd like to have a look, tho no resolution yet:

The DSR seems interesting, I wonder if its possible to make the cooking area the second shoebox. (unless I misunderstand the whole concept)

6 years ago
Thank you for the conversation too Fox, It's great to share ideas.

Today I learnt whats Aircrate is finally.
I can't find the meaning of a P channel ?

Now I need to decide on:

1. design
I was thinking on following this
I just hope it doesn't produce too much ash but I need to build one to know I guess. Or just go safe and build a J rocket. The idea of using large logs appeal to me. I really hope the food I will cook will taste as if it was cooked on the barbie.

2. Materials:
I found some interesting products on some factories who deal with furnaces and kiln. Looks more promising than pizza oven shops.

Here is an example

3. Insulate VS heat resistance.
The question still remains and further reading this afternoon has got me even more confused. I shell read more before I post assumptions here. There just too much to go through and some of the information is not backed by numbers and facts.

4. 4 is fake, I just needed one more number to say I really need to get my hands dirty and start casting!!

6 years ago

Druce Batstone I would try to incorporate Peter Berg's trip wire and back corner curve in the dense castable .[/quote wrote:

Check out the PPotty's latest video Fox mentioned for an another way of creating turbulence (vortex)     (around the 2:40 mark)

So simple!

6 years ago

Fox James wrote: It would seem to make sense  to use a insulating product for certain areas at least.

I wonder how will it perform if we say stagger the RS from insulating and fire bricks, like a mix up. And still insulate it from the outside.
6 years ago

Druce Batstone wrote:Have a look at a Perth based supplier

That's funny, this is the shop I was at on Monday. VERY limited supply there, only firebricks, refractory or insulating cement and ceramic blankets. I asked if he has any special insulating tiles or similar - nothing.

I remember when I build my first pizza oven I used pumice like bricks (very light) for the underlay. These bricks are so easy to work with and can be cut with a hand saw BUT I have no access to those as they were from a kiln factory that closed down!

This are the bricks: (the white color not beige)
6 years ago