Jeroen Nagtegaal

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since Oct 20, 2018
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About 2 years ago, we bought 2 muzzles from Winebaa to try in our vineyard. Unfortunately, they were too big to fit well, so we don't have a good idea if they could work. David promised they would soon make smaller models. But upon asking for them there was no way to get into contact anymore.
Do you know of any alternative product, Antonio?

The concept is great.
5 years ago
Thank you for that suggestion John! Seems like a good idea and not difficult to do. A little bit of mass storage is more than nothing.

6 years ago
Thank you so much Satamax and Peter for indicating that experiment!
Indeed it is that type of stove.
Had been searching for examples on the internet, but found none. But we did not search in french.

It is clear we should not even try it.

Guess we're going to use the stove conventionally this winter then, and make a plan for a rmh installation next year.

Thank you for preventing us from loosing time and putting our house safety at risk.

6 years ago
Hello Permies community,

We just bought an old stone house in the catalonian Pyrenees. Winter is coming and there is only an open fire place to heat the living room.
We want to make use of the fire wood we are able to secure easily. My parents live in the same village and gave us a traditional metal wood stove.
So far, so good.
Now, we are aware of the existence of rocket mass heaters and of the fact that a conventional stove emits enormous amounts of heat but just going out of the chimney.
We would really like to use this wood stove, however we want the heat to stay in the house.
So that's why we came up with the idea of extending the stove with the heat exchange capabilities of a rocket mass heater.
So, basically, a wood stove, a heat riser with exchange barrel, a heat storage bench and a chimney.
I've included a picture of a rough sketch.
What do you think? Are we mad and is it bound to fail? Or is there a chance it might work? And does it need adapting, which I feel it probably will?
Especially the bend down from the stove top to the barrel bottom seems problematic to me.
The bench is especially lifted from the ground, so this bend would not have to go that low...

6 years ago