i cant aford clear corigated plastic sheet or the stuff that comes with it. i just plan for the two tarps for now.later ill put a plastic top on , when i can aford it . for now im just trying to make it cheap.
i came to a realization last night . none of this will work in the long run. my point is now matter how i collet it past the bags. the tarp wi;; always leak.leak as in water runs down the underside of the tarp. so its all good till the second tarp starts to leak.then ill have water running down the underside of the bottem tarp. i have to plan for the long run i have no idea when i will have the money to re roof it. so i fidure i may as well plan to stop the water before the bag. maybe poke a few holes in the tarp in the right places to let water drop through . maybe an inside gutter/drain. not sure with these bags if i could get a desent drop along the lowest edge to get the water flowing to a corner.
thinking now. i could let the water past the bags if that is the best plan. but i will have to make something to collect the future water that will run down the underside.
i think i may revisit an older plan i had. i have to cover the bags between the tarps from the sun. i had planned to do this with exspandable foam. spray it around the edge and it should cover it. but the foam will also seal from water , im think. then have a gutter for the top and the bottem tarps underneath each. if i make it so the water drops through the tarp.once the tarp starts leaking, it wont be a bother . the gutter will collect above and below.