Kasia Mannino

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since Dec 04, 2018
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Recent posts by Kasia Mannino

The are just staked. Nothing rubbing against them or near the hanging fruit. Also, my other varieties that I'm going in the same area don't have this.
5 years ago
I have searched the internet and can't find an answer. What are these brown stripes/spots on my tomatoes?
5 years ago
Can somebody please help me identify the disease that is on my Twisted Filbert. Please see pictures below. Also, advice on how to resolve this would be great!! Thank you!
5 years ago
Hello all! I live in Zone 8 and planted a Honeycrisp tree  and a couple Fuji trees this spring (they all had a couple apples and flowers on them). This winter I noticed that both my Fujis have fruit buds fir next year but the Honeycrisp is bare. What did I do wrong? Without flowers on my Honeycrisp my Fujis won't be able to cross polinate!! TIA!!!
6 years ago
Thank you guys for the quick respone! I'm super excited about all the new growth now that I know what I'm looking at!!!
6 years ago
Hello everyone! I am looking for some advice about pruning my blueberry bushes. I have some very leggy shoots (second and third picture) that have no branches on them and they don't look like the other branches (first picture) and I don't want to keep them if they will not produce any fruit. Should I cut out these shoots? These are "Lowbush" and "Top Hat" varieties.
6 years ago