Heidi McCann

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since Jan 13, 2019
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Recent posts by Heidi McCann

I've read a few articles that malabar spinach can be planted indoors. Very edible, much thicker and more gelatinous than regular spinach but is very nutrient dense and can be eaten raw or cooked. It's a vining plant unlike regular spinach so can grow up a trelles, a staircase rail, or perhaps a bookcase.
5 years ago
Hello John,

I just checked out your book on Amazon. It looks very informative, with lots of photos and illustrations. What is one of your favorite ways to incorporate elderberry into your diet, or health regimen?

5 years ago
Thank you Kevin, the days are at 60 F, and the nights are around 40 F... colder than normal here, but not by a ton. I thought that the berries at this time might be less sweet than the summer ones. I will enjoy what is coming now however :)
6 years ago

I'm a Southern California container gardener, and back in September I rooted runners in a pot that established very nicely. We are now at the beginning of February and the plants are producing bunches of strawberries anywhere from 5-7. While I'm happy to see this, I'm also concerned about the time of the year, and with it being "cold for California" at this time, how will it affect the flavor and size potentially growing in an "off-season"?  Should I pinch the blooms off to allow the plant to mature more, and start fertilizing them in a few weeks with Spring coming? Also, is it typical for newly established runner plants to begin producing so many berries?

Thanks in advance!
6 years ago
Bumping this message so it' gets more views and hopefully someone who has knowledge about this vegetable!
6 years ago

I live in So California. First time growing malabar spinach and it did extremely well when I planted at the end of summer. There is now what looks like some kind of leaf spot growing on majority of leaves.

What is the recommended care at this point? Should I cut down vines? If so how much? Remove all leaves? I receny bought neem oil so can use that if recommended. Also, should I take into the garage until it warms up, if the plant is salvageable?

Lastly will the blackened seeds still be ok to harvest and dry?

6 years ago