David Rains

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since Jan 14, 2019
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If I find caterpillars on the patch for my family I can just move them to their patch couldn't I just transfer them to their patch if need be
awesome thank you for the reply I live in north central arkansas and around here we have several several species of swallowtails even those giant tiger swallowtails maybe that will increase my odds. I did go to college for a little while for agriculture but it wasn't for me not in the way that I'm not into agriculture the teacher literally said to the class one day this class isn't to help you become a farmer its only so you can be a rep for companies like monsanto which I cannot support for moral reasons. this year I really want to work with nature attracting pollinators and predator insects to my garden.
This might be a dumb question but when I was a kid I wanted to become a entomologist I even raised a couple of monarchs to adults and released them but since I heard about planting dill and parsley for black swallowtails my question is that since I am going to go all natural this year is how hard is it to get them to establish if I plant them a small patch for themselves
I have been trying to find out when I should be starting seeds in my cattle panel greenhouse and I cannot find any information on when to start seeds in my zone (zone 7) do you go by the seed packet or do I have to look up when the planting times are for zone 8 since the greenhouse will be zone 8 can anyone help me with this