Bonnie Bellmer wrote:
David Rains wrote:I have been trying to find out when I should be starting seeds in my cattle panel greenhouse and I cannot find any information on when to start seeds in my zone (zone 7) do you go by the seed packet or do I have to look up when the planting times are for zone 8 since the greenhouse will be zone 8 can anyone help me with this
Do you have examples of your green house? We just bought land and are bringing cattle panels with us. I just read about planting cucumbers, peas, beans under black locust trees. Ah, so exciting....
Bonnie, I built mine from watching this
I forgot to add, you may want to install automatic window openers if you go this route. Here in zone 4b, mine went over 100 degrees F a couple weeks ago when it was 25 degrees F outside. Of course, as soon as the sun isn't hitting it, it soon goes down to barely above the outside temperatures. I use mine for season extension only, it doesn't have any source of heat other than the sun.