No microinverters on any of our panels. And both of the lightning strikes were on systems that were well grounded. At our house, the lightning hit our neighbor's small wind turbine. It was grounded at all of the guy wire tie downs, with all of them grounded to each other also. But the lightning blew the blade from her wind turbine, went down the ground wires, traveled through the wet soil over to our TV/radio antenna (about 150' away), up that ground wire and fried the inside of the antenna booster (we could see this when we took it down and opened it up). From there it traveled down the coax cable to our house where we had unplugged it from the TV/radio as we always do when there's a storm. When it got to that unplugged cable end, hanging about a foot away from the TV, there was a loud bang/flash as the lightning jumped to the TV. From there it went into the house wiring and took out our Tri-Metric meter, then out to the shed where it took out 2 PV controllers, then out along some of the PV input wires to the furthest distant PV array, about 250' away. The 3 PV panels on that rack were the ones that were toast. The 4th panel on that rack was the one that had the freeze damage a few months earlier and had been removed already. Of course, all of this damage occured at nearly the same moment - flash/bang/ZAPPED!!! The neighbor also had current travel from the wind turbine to her house where it blew an electrical box off the wall. All of these systems were well grounded but when lightning gets into wet soil, all bets are off. Too much excitement for this homesteader! By the way, my husband took apart the TV and found the burned circuit breaker, resoldered it and it still works after many years. All of the other electronics had to be replaced.