Jaqi LaPlante wrote:I have recently come into a mite problem, myself. I've tried soap spray which helps, and I've heard of re-potting the plants after learning about mite life cycles, and how they leave eggs in the soil. I'm getting a game plan together to try a repot and then a Neem treatment after, and keep my focus on hot pest areas until the problem subsides. I also have a stink bug around that I always put on affected plants when I catch the little guy, but I don't even know if they eat mites! Just hoping, really, plus I figure a houseplant might be a good home for it.
Trace Oswald wrote:In my situation, it's the lowly headlamp, for the simple reason that most every other tool I have is dependent on that one all winter here. It is dark in the morning when I leave for work, and it's dark in the evening when I finish work. I still have lots of work to be done, especially caring for animals. The headlamp is indispensable.