Tammy Lull

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since Mar 10, 2019
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Recent posts by Tammy Lull

Erica is talking about the refactory cement. She said that they tried Heat riser and core and all and lit it up and it thur chunks out from the concrete underneath it and blew it through the heat riser Into the crowd..
I am wondering if you could tell me how thick it was?
Also, I'm wondering if you made it thicker if it wouldn't do what she said in the video?.
Or do you think I should just use Fire brick on the inside of it?
The reason why I ask is because I have refactory cement that I got free from a friend I was wanting to incorporate it into the rocket mass heater
1 year ago

Randy Butler wrote:Hi Tammy.  
Great score on the fire bricks!  Are they light (insulating) or heavy?  That will give a better idea where to use them.  

My intentions are to use standard firebrick for the lining of the firebox, then insulating FB for the remainder of the core.  
Also, insulating FB for the riser - although now I'm not sure if I'll go with the PvdB batchBox or his DSR3!  Decisions, decisions!

Are you planning an oven?  If so, black or white?  I'm going with white so I can cook while the fire is running and plan to use refractory to build the walls.  Can't remember where, but one of the heater threads goes into detail about the forms.

No doubt, with the wealth of knowledge available on this forum, you should get all the information you need.

Happy building!

Thanks for the response Randy. What is a pvdB and DSR3 to talked about?
The fire bricks are the heavy ones.  I just so hope I could use these bricks in the mass or somewhere. If not I plan on making a smoker with them.
I don't think I'm going to make an oven. Mainly using it for heating. Trying to eliminate wood pellet stove. The cost of pellets is insane!
I do have the white insulative firebrick. But I do have the bags of refractory cement to use some where.
2 years ago
I hope somebody can help me with my questions. I have been working on collecting  materials for about 10 years now for Batch Box rocket mass heater.  Actually I can't decide between a J tube or a batchbox. I purchased about 500,  3000゚ fire bricks $0.60 each. From someone that used to work at a coal fired power plant.
1. Where should I use the 3000゚F fire bricks in a batch Box  Rocket mass heater?
I also was given some unused leftover bags of refactory cement,  I believe it's 2000゚F from a crematory. (Maybe  2700゚F)
2.  Should I use this refactory cement for the heat riser?
3.  Also is there a step-by-step video of someone putting together a batch Box rocket mass heater?
I like videos better than a picture book. If there is a picture book that would be greatly appreciated too.
Greatly appreciated for the answers to my questions. I may have more later I may have more later. Thanks
2 years ago