R Scott wrote:YouTubers say you can get lithium cheaper than lead acid these days, but they are hit and miss. If you want to go that route, I would watch the YouTube reviews and follow their links to specific products. anything.
Michael Cox wrote:I know absolutely nothing about this specific product and offering, however I have been looking in to 18650 cells for ebike batteries. The groups I am a member of have been discussing a lot of fake batteries being offered for sale from China...
Michael Qulek wrote:
My understanding is that you can mix up to 50:50 waste vegetable oil directly into diesel and have it flow through the injectors properly. Maybe more if you blend it with winter diesel (diesel #1).
Michael Qulek wrote:
My understanding of a dual-fuel step-up though is that you need exact pressure requirements for the fuels to go through the injectors properly, so simply splitting the fuel line might not be enough. You may need two different fuel pumps forcing fuel at the right pressures.
S Bengi wrote:It's $600 for 12v so you will need 4X for 48v. S0 $2,400.
S Bengi wrote:You just need a battery/battery bank that can handle the max 1000W charge rate.
48V x 20Ah = 1000Wh (50x20)
Battery banks like a 25% charge rate aka 4x. So you need 4x1000W = 4000W
48V x 20Ah x 4 = 48V x 80Ah = 4000Wh
So a battery bank with 80AH is what you are looking for. But just 1000Wh will work esp given that the battery is not actually being charged or discharge, its just acting as a middle man.
Now if the grid goes down and your generator is still going and your battery is full, you will have to do something with that power aka a dump load.
Also if the grid goes down you will have very little power in your house if any, due to not having a sizable battery bank.
So how much power will you have, generator + battery aka P=G+B
P=1000W + (Battery x Discharge Rate)
P=1000W + (1000W x 5hr discharge rate)
P=1000W + (1000W x 0.2)
P=1000W + 200W (but technically you could pull it all out, in 1hr vs 5hrs)
With these numbers best case you can get 2kW but more like 0.6kW, now with a huge battery bank you could more.
Li-polymer battery with 12C x 48V x 20Ah = 12C x 1000w = discharge of 12,000W
LiFePO4 with 1C x 48V x 240Ah = 1C x 12,000Wh = 12,000W
Lead Acid = 0.2C x 48 x 1200Ah = 0.2C x 60,000Wh = 12,000W
S Bengi wrote:
I want to know what type of load the sol-ark 8kw was having problems with that a outback skybox or outback radian with 8kw of power would do better with.
David Baillie wrote:In terms of pricing dont forget to add in the legally required breakers and disconnects you have to add on with the radian and Schneider built into the sol ark. Then add on the solar charge controller you have to add and the inverter controller all those items are seperate add ons from radian and schneider... the skybox is a different kind of unit also high frequency like the solark so if the 8k had problems starting loads the skybox would as well...