Carla Terry

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since Apr 23, 2019
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Recent posts by Carla Terry

So living where I am, we are dealing with bind weed in our garden, so not sure what to do with it. Do you think a cover crop would drown it out. I was thinking clover.
2 months ago
I use pool noodles around my small trees. It works well. They eventually wear out and then I replace them. I paid for regular tree protection, but these are cheaper.
4 months ago
Jim Fry, what is the best and easiest way to plant cuttings from elderberries. I would love to plant some more as I had some bunnies eat mine down. I have gotten some small fences to keep them from chewing on them again, once I replant.
10 months ago
I have been wanting to grow a cherry tree and your ideas are great and I am going to try it. When I grew my first apple tree, I made a hole bigger than the I needed, put liquid fertilizer in and it grew great, but no apples. 2 years ago, I got lots of apples and were excited, but this year I had lots of flowers, but no apples. I realized I probably should have been watering more. I bought me some comfrey seeds and will be planting underneath the tree this spring. I also have clay soil.

I have a pear tree and another apple tree I started and thought died, but noticed some new branches coming up. I will be pruning the old growth off this week and get the new started and water this winter when needed.
1 year ago
I love that if I don't how to do a skill for homesteading/gardening, I know that I can come here and find someone who has done it. Love learning.
1 year ago
I missed this bundle as we were dealing with family life and was not on computer. This is an awesome bundle. If you do it again, or if it is still available, I would definitely back the kick starter for a few bucks. Carla
1 year ago
I have a basement that stays a constant 68 degrees, but no root cellar.
1 year ago
I know you are writing this for people who have goats or cows, or able to get raw milk. Maybe put in also how to use milk from the store if possible. We have no place to get raw milk, and we don't have animals. But would love to learn how to make cheese.
1 year ago
We have a community sharing garden at the extension office that has a master gardener course and they grow vegetables, and give away seeds as well.