Aldo Caine

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since Apr 05, 2019
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Recent posts by Aldo Caine

I'd like to hear more grandad stories... I need to absorb information on being a good father.
Are there permies flavored resources for being a father?
Given your amount of mentoring and time spent with young people, perhaps it would be a good podcast topic
Ok point taken. Canadian pesos incoming.

BEL fund incentivizes boots to join -> more boots, more ability to do and film cool stuff -> more movies like this get created?

I am bad at understanding how to get people to show up to do the stuff and make the things and film the process so if this is how it works, right on brother

paul wheaton wrote:

Aldo Caine wrote: I am anxiously awaiting the next installment

At this time, it is my guess that our overall forward velocity will be improved if we can get the BEL fund to $20,000

2 months ago
Just gave it a watch. Absolutely delightful and left me wanting more. Would a 10 inch rocket heat the hot tub in 60 minutes? Will the fabled wofati freezer pan out? I am anxiously awaiting the next installment
2 months ago
Heating a sealed barrel of wood over the rocket stove, with a pipe coming from the barrel, condensing the wood vinegar and tar, then running a generator off the wood gas would be my vote. Safest and least expensive in my opinion. Also pretty simple and you get wood tar (anti rot post preservative, good for wofatis), wood vinegar (many uses) and charcoal (from barrel, which can be further gasified in a dedicated charcoal gasifier to run a generator if so desired, bbq on, make biochar, etc).

See 'crankenstein1' channel for demonstration.

Why not just use a wood gasifier to convert the wood into electricity you may ask?
- wood chunks needs to be sized perfectly
- very complex to build properly
- high risk of tarring up engine if you are inexperienced/something breaks
- byproducts (wood tar and vinegar) consumed as part of process
- steep learning curve and difficult to initially comprehend

Using a rocket stove to generate wood gas breaks down the component concepts of the more complicated wood gasifiers into obvious sections.
You are showing
- how a rocket stove works
- how a charcoal kiln works
- how a condenser works
- how a bubbler/bubble filter works
- how a gasometer works (buffer for the gas production before going into the engine)
- how a air mixing valve/carburetor works (woodgas must be mixed with oxygen)
6 months ago
Is this a 6 inch or 8 inch? Also I'm trying to decide between this and Matt Walker's superhot J core plans. These plans seem to have a taller feed which is nice. Curious if anyone knows any other differences between the two
9 months ago

Allison Dey wrote:

paul wheaton wrote:

I just need to get through the next two months with some support.

I will say this: I find it a little off-putting the get this email this morning:
"This is Paul the sicko.

Yup. Cancer.  I am using food-as-medicine and it is working.  And I need some help getting to the finish line."

And then find out the only way to join together and help you to the finish line is through a monetized program. Seems like a bit of bait and switch to me - a request for help and then a notice that the only way to offer that help is to pay for helping.

I absolutely love what I read on permies but monetizing community just has its limits with my patience.

Don't get me wrong - I'm not angry or upset and not trying to start a fight. I'm too old for that. Hahaha! I'm just saying, it's a bit much for an older person to go online to good sites and then feel a bit sucker-punched at the end. It's just tiring. I'm not angry; I'm tired of it.

I don't think this is a monetization play.

I've noticed Paul is a big fan of filters.

Making you pay 100 for bootcamp isn't covering any of the risk or cost associated with bringing a greenhorn onto the team. But putting up some coin is the difference between someone who really wants in vs a speculator.

Same with the podcasts. If you have listened to all Paul's podcasts and still want to go to wheaton labs, that is a darn good filter as well.

This paywall is another filter. Putting up some coin ensures that when Paul allows you into this intimate part of his life, you are interested in actually interacting along the rules of the first post in this thread. A lot of people are only interested in telling Paul what to do.

Certain topics and information are removed from the internet. When it's behind a paywall this doesn't happen.

When you're in a position like Paul's you need levels of filtering that correspond to the different spheres of your life.

Robert Ray wrote:Couldn't you just use your gps and waypoints to create your topo map?

This works dandy if your state/province/region has accurate topo maps already built into your mapping software. Where I live, they are at a broad interval and not very detailed - there are whole ravines that don't show up on my GPS readings.
1 year ago
I'm going through the same process. Everyone talking about importance of topography but no one explaining how to make the darn topo map!

Here's what I'm using: rev4(I)_Technical Procedures for Topographic Forest Surveys and Tree_E.pdf
It's a low tech easy to follow guide for Indonesia but applicable anywhere.

Maybe you don't have the forest I am dealing with so you will have an easier time with fewer trees.
I'm really cheaping out and using a $25 compass with built in clinometer from amazon.
Instead of a chain, I'm using a cheapo laser rangefinder also from amazon.
That's it. Direction (compass), elevation (clinometer + math), distance (rangefinder).
Then you can input your points into the computer and it will interpolate a contour map for you.

If you really want good data though go with a total station. What I described above will involve some error correction.

Pretty much whatever you do it's going to be helpful to have two or more people. You can use an autoreceiver with the total station but probably outside your budget.

Depending on size of land and how much groundcover/trees, a one time LIDAR cost for a drone service might be best.

1 year ago
For short cans, you can cut a cross in the bottom, pry up the 4 triangles so they poke outwards, then jam them in the ground where you've planted a walnut seed. Keeps the squirrels from digging up the seed. The can supposedly degrades in a few years to the point of becoming flakes but I haven't observed this yet. Unsure of toxic gick factor, the cans are lined with some sort of plastic
1 year ago
Site looks great! Love the graphics and clean site feel.

Noticing the first two 'Buy' links and 'free plans' link open new tabs to paypal/permies (expected behavior). Third buy link opens in same window (bug).

I almost bought just the suana rocket heater plans on the bundle page, but then bought the whole bundle just in time. Maybe it would be helpful to emphasize you get ALL THIS INCLUDED IN THE BUNDLE! YAY! or maybe it is obvious and I just didn't notice. I suspect that showing the individual items in the bundle, like you have, will lead to a user buying the bundle 90% of the time.

Also I'm mixing up 'Free heat', 'Free plans', and 'Buy the plans'. The heat is free, and some of the plans are free, but some of the plans you buy. I click on 'Free information about rocket heaters' and read my free information, but then I click on 'Free heat plans and movie' but this is a product I buy, and the heat is what is free, not the plans and movie. What about not using the word free on links to buy stuff? Or maybe the 'free heat' thing is the whole basis of the marketing play and you can't do that? Just my thoughts.