Dain Parker

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since Apr 08, 2019
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Hello thank you for your comments. I am using that size pipe because I am cleaning up the yard and it was just laying around.  So im trying to make this project as inexpensive as possible.  But i do plan on doing 2 screens before the water goes in, one will be a little larger mesh while the other will be a little smaller.  
Your pebble creek looks beautiful,  but it would defeat the purpose of what I'm trying to accomplish.  I watched several videos on YouTube of upside down rain barrels where the water will fill equally up the pipe as the barrels. And the elevation difference is roughly 21' 2".
Last year I was filing a 55 gallon drum by hose and driving it to the garden.  So im trying to eliminate that.  If it doesn't work I can say I learned something.  Hopefully that's not the case.  
And yes my location is in maine,  so I can't leave the water in the pipe over winter. My plan is to blow the pipe through with air and plug the end of the pipe.
5 years ago
This is the progress I've made so far with a million different projects going on.  
I checked the elevation difference from the house where my gutter will be going to the corner of my garden.  I think im just gonna do 2 55 gallon drum collection system this yearinstead of the pond.  I have located another spring and area for the pond.
Right now im working on getting some piping down the designated spot right now. Here are the pictures of my slow but surely process.
5 years ago
Thanks for your input. The elevation level I would say is approximately 15' lower at the destination I want the pond to be. So getting the water there shouldn't be the problem.
It would be like someone said would the water be stagnant. Because of only getting filed with rain water.  And should I do an overflow from the pond into the tree line,  so the ground doesn't get saturated on the low end.  
I will try to get some pictures up of the approximate location.  But due to the snow yesterday it might be a little bit.  
Would one filter at the end of the downspout be could out should another oone be located to gain access to.  I do like the idea of the swales but I'm just not sure where to place them.  Because I plan on doing the piping down my yard behind house,  150' down then im going to be beside my garage (wood side)  then another approximate 250' to the pond.  But it has narrow access to the field then widens out.
Thank you
5 years ago
Hi,  I've been reading all the posts and love all the information that is gathered here.  But I couldn't quite find what i was looking for, and I was curious if anyone else has achieved this task.  
What im looking to do is send my water from the roof down the drain spout, into drainage tubes to carry the rest about 400' and try to create a pond from the rain water wasted.  And try to use it to water my garden.
Just curious for your input.  Thanks
5 years ago