Deborah Farrington

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since Apr 14, 2019
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Recent posts by Deborah Farrington

Dan Boone
If you're still looking for seeds.
Florida Betony (20 seeds) fresh this season's harvest {WERY RARE ...
1 year ago
I realize that this is an old thread, but, several growers currently offer both.
Strictly Medicinal
Nichols Nursery
Oikos Tree Crops
One Green World
I've seen listings for both on EBay, Amazon, Etsy, Bonanza, and, several other markets. Some West Coast Farmers Markets carry them, or, at least potted starts.

I hope this helps.
3 years ago
Jen Shrock
Hi, I'm hoping that you'd be interested in some of my items. I have Cinnamon Vine, Key Lime, several varieties of lemon, orange, and, tangerines. Additionally, I have sweet Tamarind, Medjool dates, mixed Amarylis seeds Red Grape Seeds - I can easily get black, if you want them - and, last, but, not least, 3 varieties of Star of Bethlehem. The bulbs are different shapes, and, the plants slightly different sizes, otherwise, the blooms are nearly identical.
4 years ago
Both, and, carry this. Both are currently out of stock. You can request an In-stock email notice from bother sites. You might check, and,
4 years ago
Dan Boone

EBay currently has seeds available for under $5.00.
5 years ago
You can also try Etsy, OfferUp,, and, Letgo. I use all 3 sites.
5 years ago
Have you tried Nastutium seeds? They were used in most of Europe as a pepper substitute. There are several dozen annual varieties. The whole plant is edible with peppery notes. Leaves, stems, flowers, seeds, roots. I think it would be hard to run out of uses.
5 years ago
If you're willing to try another fast growing native plant, Jerusalem Artichoke grows up to 10' tall with large edible roots. It would shade out the Florida betony, and, livestock would find the leaves more to their taste.
5 years ago