Robert of Arabia

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Dale Hodgins wrote:
Does anyone else have ideas to help a fellow out. I've always found that sitting in a prominent place, looking handsome, can work. But what about those who need some help. Does anyone have some tips for them.

Sure do.   It's very old advice.  What they taught to boys before feminism taught them to be girls.

I do not take your use of the word "game" to mean the pick-up artist's viewpoint: that we should use deception and bad faith to get unfulfilling sex from women who have low self-esteem, drink booze, and otherwise lead you to the gutter.

I take the use of the word to mean that as a man you offer just about any woman on earth a secure home to raise children in.  Historically, that's what men have done for oh - about 2.5 million years of evolution and still do today in the vast majority of the world.  Do not model your behavior after television, hollywood, mass media, anything except what has worked for millenia and has only been abandoned in the most recent times and in the richest countries with the most pampered, lazy, narcissistic women.

Work hard.  Establish yourself in a trade or occupation that both meets your inclinations and is well compensated.   This requires long term planning and committment.  Instead of learning clever "lines" to deploy at dates you learn calculus or anatomy or welding or construction, etc.  These are things that take many years to master.  Just forget about women and marriage until you are deep into your life plan for success.

Women have peak sexual market value when they are young.  For men, it is when they are older.  Young women are enthralled with older men for good reasons.  I didn't care when I was growing up, it made good sense to me.  The older guy with the Camero picked up the homecoming queen every day in high school.  That's actually great news because it just means you go ahead and get the job, your own place, gain maturity and stature - and soon enough you are picking up the homecoming queen after school!  

This is old school game, but it is still lacking.  Let's talk about sex appeal.  

Don't drink alcohol.  Don't smoke.  Don't gamble.  In my experience, worldwide, this has proved to be a combination so deadly for me that it is hard to fathom.  I travelled internationally for many years and the first question out of women's mouths and out of parents' mouths who had daughters...  are you married.

But after it was established that I was single, the faces would zero in with increasing seriousness.  Do you drink?   Not a drop.  Not in liquid form, not in candy, not in cooking - a zero tolerance policy.  This answer always draws a look of incredulity, a sudden desperation in some places around Asia or the former Soviet Union - anywhere alcohol is a big problem.  

When followed up with no smoking and no gambling, they are generally trying to marry me the same day - hot teens, not old hags.  I tell them I am married now, and they tell me they don't care.  Where is your wife, she is not here now: I am here for you right now.  

I dress in t-shirt and jeans.  Worn out running shoes or hiking boots, steel toe work boots.  Unless I am testifying as an expert witness in court, I have to dress in a monkey suit then.  

But I don't have to peacock, as those idiot pick-up artists call it.  It is the years of hard work, of showing up on time and finishing on schedule.  Doing high quality work.  Staying healthy, being courteous and diplomatic in your affairs.  I find great advice in Proverbs, an Old Testament chapter in the Bible. Read them.  I am not a religious person.  Those are just the collected wisdom across the span of many millenia and recorded by Solomon in his time.  

If you are a man that can support a family and don't drink, smoke, or gamble, I'd say you are out in front of 90% of men worldwide.  And it's just crazy to me.  The men ask.  I tell them.  I explain what kind of affect it has on women.  Women have social circles.  You meet anyone from her circle that learns you are a once-in-a-lifetime deal like this and they are running to grab her.  RUNNING.

And the guys for the most part reject it out of hand.  Not drink?  Are you retarded?   Work long hours for years?   What about Las Vegas now?  It's only $300 for half an hour with a beautiful prostitute.  They take credit cards.  It will read "Jim's Truck Stop" on the receipt.  You'll get almost two hours of sleep before work on Monday.

I drive a 1991 Toyota truck I bought for $2,400 eleven years ago.  I have changed one alternator in it during that time.  Insurance is $30 a month.  That's why I also own an airplane.  A boat with a 225 horsepower engine.  A dump truck and bulldozer, ATV's and etc.  I was at an auction to buy a band saw mill.  Before it came up, there was a dump truck that had some cosmetic damage from a 966 loader bumping into the front hood.  Nobody was bidding.  Five hundred dollar starting bid.  I drove it home for $500.  That dump truck makes $1,500 in a good day.  As much as a dump truck that costs a hundred thousand dollars.  All I did was learn how to do fiberglass work, on youtube.  I fixed some broken leaf springs and monster U-bolts on the axle.  Maybe another $500 altogether.  

My wife scored a plow truck on Craigslist for $1,000.  The plow alone was worth more than twice that.  But it had a welder-generator on the back of it, a boom, dualies, new tires and chains all around.  It was an estate sale.  The guy died, everything had to go the day of the ad, and I said "no, honey - there is a zero missing.  Ten thousand".  She insisted we go.  I always have cash.  We got there first, and two more trucks pulled in behind us for a shot at that plow truck.  She found our bulldozer too.   Today, a free treadmill that had 29 hours of use.  A couple thousand dollars retail new - WTF?!  

My wife is three decades younger than me.  Stunningly beautiful, of course it is my standard of beauty here.  Not one iota of make-up.  When it is convenient, I have a mistress too.  I find it of great interest that religious sects like Mormons, probably the best known in the USA, with men who do not drink, gamble, or smoke...  men who work really hard starting young and who follow pretty strict adherence to their moral code (kuran, bible, Joseph Smith's divine revelations, etc.)... they have multiple wives too.

I am only speaking up for the not drinking, not smoking, and not gambling parts of their code.  I believe in science, not religion.  But their women really dig that "good boy" thing about them.  Enough so that even multiple wives, or in my case a mistress, are downright acceptable.  Mine flat-out offered me the mistress, stating matter-of-factly that it was reward for my conduct.  My response was that it had to be a trick.  To gain advantage in divorce.  I was alarmed!   But gosh, it turned out having a mistress even younger than my wife was pretty cool, we've had more than one over the years now and they get along great.  It turns out Asia has a long history of first and second wives or else the wife-mistress model the European men of substance followed.  

Dale, my wife is a Filipina.  We live there part time.  We have a house I built there, with my father in law side-by-side carrying hollow block, mixing concrete and pounding nails together, from raw beach to a two-story home with sea wall.  We are building a second home there on an island off Samar soon, funny you should mention fish farming because we have found a perfect site, two of them actually.  Pristine bays, crystal clear water and perfect distance to a fish port for marketing.  But it is competing with a place on Luzon, land owned by the Aeta people, it is what passes for wilderness there.  My wife and I have scoped out both places and it is going to be a close call between them.  I build wilderness cabins/homes and roads to impossible mountain spots in Alaska.  I've already built in the Philippines, my father in law is now a contractor because I turned him into one.  Nice young man, seven years younger than me.

I have a boat up in Alaska and have commercial fished in the Bering Sea.  Published a technical report on Salmon Farming up here for the State Legislature back in the 1980's.   I have put significant resources into both searches, and we are down to final site selection.   Are we going to be building remote homesites for rich guys up this river valley on Luzon, or farming fish off the pristine waters near Samar?  

You have a feminist-saturated view of life that Asian women do not agree with.  They absolutely love being the support unit for their man.  Feminists in the West are the only ones who deride the amazing work women have traditionally done in the home. Especially motherhood.  But anything to do with home production: cleaning, cooking, organizing, shopping, etc. is derided by feminists unless you do it in the market for pay.  Then its okay.  Like being a child care worker or government school teacher instead of taking care of your own children and teaching your own children.  One is "just a maid" and the other is "making something of their lives" as feminists try to inculcate.  

Here is how my wife figures it:  Every hour that she works in the kitchen, or cleaning clothes, or stacking wood the boys skidded home from the forest - this keeps me up on a bulldozer or dump truck, excavator, or doing three-stage least squares simultaneous equations regression analysis on the internet.  I have a PhD in the requisite field.  So she is making $150 an hour cooking one of those incredible meals or doing the laundry.   If she does dishes, I am making money. WE are making money.

If you go back to the Home Economics textbooks of the 1950's that's what they were teaching young women.  You are a team.  The Thai people like to say the man is the front half of the elephant and the woman the back half.  The trunk is no more important than the tail.  So what if their jobs are different.  The whole elephant can move 10,000 pound logs like match sticks.  It does zero without both halves.

If I step down off the 'dozer to do dishes for an hour, what happens to this family?   If I have things lined up exactly right with three machines and three men, we clear $2,400 in a day.  Every man is his own contractor.  One guy mines gravel, one guy transports, one guy builds road.  You are printing money, watching moose cross the road you're building.  Now that's justice.   My wife has to take care of the kids, keep me fed, floor it to the parts store hours away maybe - we're camping at the jobsites, she is just as busy as I am putting in twelve hour days, sometimes longer for me.  

My intellectual work has some strange similarities.  Lawyers like to call me and want a report done yesterday.  It is the same kind of money, but no diesel to buy, no parts, no risk of serious injury or trucks going off cliffs.   Being able to produce numbers quickly, that stand up in court to a Daubert challenge, an expert witness challenge, that takes a tremendous amount of intellectual horsepower and experience under pressure.  

You have crap scattered all over the place with case law, spread sheets, deposition testimony, motions in opposition to this, appeals, dates and times, so much to juggle in the air and...  a sandwich is handed to you.  Your empty coffee cup is taken away.  A crying child is tended to.  Math lessons are reviewed, Daddy usually does that but he is making bank in his underwear on the computer so do not bother daddy...

I had a flash of anger thinking about how you denigrated this kind of work, in reference to your Filipina.  I took it personally.  Forgive me.  I took it as an attack on what my amazing wife does for our family and how I value her at a lot more than $150 an hour or whichever kind of hour we are billing for, machine time or professional hours.

These lawyers, they're filing motions back and forth.  Their experts are flinging $hit at us right down to the filing deadlines at midnight of whatever day expert reports are due.  Exhibits.  It's pretty interesting stuff and a lot of money is at stake.  I have two cases at the moment, one is over $1.2 million and it is in the news for a Federal Court of Appeals ruling my client's lawyer won.

So you seem to be the kind of guy buying into the feminist theory a man should make his own sandwich, one that is not half as good as his wife can make, wash his own coffee cup, etc.   I will pee in the cup if we have fifteen minutes left before deadline and those a$$holes on the other side just submitted three new spreadsheets of math, purposefully obfuscating everything, land mines everywhere you look...and my wife will happily carry my cup of pee to the toilet downstairs.

You can make that sound horrible, right?  The perfect kind of stuff for a documentary on evil old white guys preying on innocent foreign victims, made to carry their pee cup.  Held in isolation, in a cabin on the edge of the wilderness, Ted Kazynski Unabomber type.  

I log 14 cords of wood a year to keep her so hot at thirty below zero she has to keep the upstairs windows open in order to sleep.  I am the one who broke his leg in six places and endured two operations, the first with the wound held open while awaiting  titanium parts being flown in from the lower '48.  She was my nurse and bought me a hospital bed on Craigslist to recouperate.  

And you want me to make a sandwich, to tell my wife to sit down, for us to lose $150 an hour at least.  The Thai girl, the Laotian girl, and my Filipina all say take the money, stupid!  They love making sandwiches.  Awesome sandwiches instead of bad sandwiches feminist theory would apparently dictate.  The worst thing you can do in feminist theory is serve a man.  Do something for a man.

No son, you want exactly that kind of woman.  And you work your rear end off for her in return.  According to your comparative advantages, much of which is biologically immutable.  

Let's say the salmon are in.  We can be there and back in a 48 hour blitz, no sleep.  Forty salmon, ten pounds apiece, let's say $7 a pound value even though it is sushi quality salmon, off the charts $ down south.   That's nearly $3,000 in fish minimum, and feminist theory as you are virtue-signalling about would label any work she does as inferior; to make sure the man does her job half the hours and the woman does the man's job half the hours.   That is "equality".  

My job is tying off with climbing gear to a cliff with a big net on a long pole, dipped into the fastest river in Alaska.  I can catch three in the net, too many for me to land sensibly, just crazy when the run is in.  But I have to swing this net up to my wife who is watching kids and bonking the fish on their heads with our fish-bonker at a landing atop a massive rock formation jutting out into the river.  She is perfectly suited to her job, and me for mine.  Feminist theory is plainly stupid in our kind of edge-of-the-wilderness but modern technology lifestyle.  

Loading the salmon up, kids running packs of fillets up to the truck when we're processing them, everybody thrilling in the adventure and profit from it...  So hey, let's make sure to denigrate what the kids are doing here in addition to whatever my wife is doing, right?   Only whatever I am doing has any value under this ridiculous viewpoint feminist society in the West has concocted.  Climbing the trail up the cliffs with this taste sensation, the giant slabs of meat...  no value unless a feminist identifies it as traditionally men's work.  Children's work, women's work - all of it horrible. Demeaning.  Exploitative.

To men, their work (women) is incalculable wealth.  I am the richest man on earth.  What King is treated so? It is feminists, not men, that despise what my wife does for her family.  We LOVE it.  

My wife doesn't know a thing about finance.  She trusts me.  After the mistress thing got going, and she had me pretty well enamored with it, she made an offer for a continuance.  An amount of money.  For her. As her own dough, completely her own decision on what to do with it.  I call it her "getaway money".  We are three years early, as of October we'll be over the top.   Last year, she added the requirement of another life insurance policy.  Great!   It was way cheaper than I thought and again the not smoking, education, and clean living paid off.

I don't have to have a mistress.  It's a whole lotta fun, the mistresses sure love it.  The wife is in charge, everyone is clear on that.  If she pulls the plug, it is over the minute she makes the call.  But she hasn't had to.  Quite the contrary.  She has been a great counsellor to them, and a calming voice for me, to show patience with their youth.  To remember she was 19 when I married her and a bit of a headache at times.  

This is a feminist's nightmare, a PC-incorrect horror show.  Except if I call it polyamory somehow that sanctifies it somewhat, I am given to understand.  But the sex-for-resources/security thing, it's really bad.   And that is why I am so ashamed.  lol.   Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and that is how domestic women view this hottie Filipina of mine.  She, and the millions like her are the deadliest threat to selfish women, ie feminists.  

She is a superstar in our Philippines home among her extended family and neighborhood.  Whereas feminist ideology paints her as either a victim of a fat old lecher, possessing no agency and in desperate need of a feminist mommy, or else she is a gold-digging whore.  Generally the put-down is that she is with you just because of the green card.

Mine is not getting citizenship.  We are not even applying for it.  Instead, I am moving to a free country.  To the Philippines for retirement.  Where I can hire a work crew of grown men for 500 pesos a day and build huge stone buildings if I feel like it.  Farm tilapia.  Build the kinds of places I do here, remote stuff. Back and forth for now, it's ideal.  

Occasionally I like to look at these reverse-engineered "documentaries" where they write a script domestic feminists want to hear about fat old white men and young Asian women.   Wow, how they hate this!   It is just so unfair, it's cheating.  Fat old white men should have no choice but fat old white women.  Ugly women, meaning ones who nag instead of charm.  

I was told how I couldn't find a domestic girl, so I had to resort to a foreigner.  I was exploiting her.  Except she was a whore, exploiting me.   She also does not drink, does not smoke, does not gamble, and before me was a Catholic.  She had never had a boyfriend.  You know that society is super conservative over there in the provinces.  Her sister has seen a guy for 2 years now and they do not even hold hands in permies, lol.  

A fat old guy like me that denied current consumption and saved, who just kept his shoulder to the grindstone and learned carpentry, plumbing, roofing, electrical, masonry, concrete, tile, etc. can build a house for a teen stunner with his own hands and very little money. Her school cohort men drinlk alcohol, smoke, and gamble.  The best job they're going to have is $5 a day.  If he knocks her up, he is going to run away.

I moved in with her family, a scrap-board hut, and started construction the day after I met her parents.  I had a lot of years with beautiful girls throwing themselves at me, and this was the one.  I fell in love at first sight, I was muddy from head to toe from mountain biking with an Enduro up in the mountains on a road that eventually was featured in the TV program called "World's Most Dangerous Roads".  

When I met her, I explained that I understood how she thought.  She wanted to help her family.  I was there to do that job.  But we weren't going to just give them money.  That ruins the cultural imperitive of extended family reciprocity.  In the Philippines, uncles and cousins come help you harvest rice, and you go help build their house or their sea wall/breakwater:  it's a mutual aid society.  

A person who does not work in reciprocity is shunned.  Money is not changing hands, nobody is paid for rice harvesting or construction.  But people keep track.   If it is only one side doing the giving, all kinds of bad things happen.  If you just give them money, you turn them into grifters who manipulate you for money with sick grandmas, caribao that died, and get-rich-quick schemes.  Money laundering occupations like Sari-Sari stores.  The Americano builds the store and buys stock.  When the stock is gone the Americano buys more stock.  The Filipinos are taking the money from sales and pocketing it.  So the store is just taking your money and putting it into their pockets, and they are not making money with a store.  You have taught money laundering, not business.

They are going to spring a bill on you for phone, electric, water, whatever on the day it is going to be shut off.  They are going to blackmail you by saying the power will be shut off if you do not pay.  Nobody else has money, you happen to have money, so it is your obligation.  And you will not be thanked for it because again, it was your obligation.  So every bill henceforward is submitted to you the day before service is shut off.  You will live in constant crisis mode and drama.  I see it with these internet introductions.

I said "wow, no problem.  We'll use candles!"  So we used candles and I said to never do that to me again: to watch me working every day, thinking me a fool, that you planned ahead to spring the bill on me this day.  A person may think it unkind that I sat her mother down at the table one day and explained I was perfectly happy to leave her daughter under certain conditions.  My dealbreakers.  

I met my wife in person, and went as soon as practical to meet her mother and father, her sisters and brothers.  Grandma and grandpa, both sides, her school mates and work cohorts, neighbors, teachers, etc. That is how you get to know a girl quickly, not going out for drinks but going to her house.  You want a good pick-up line?  "Let's go meet your family".  "No, I am not going to sleep in a hotel, I am sleeping at your house - am I too good for your people or what?"

They were squatting on land that, incredibly, is on a geologic uplift.  One tectonic plate is forcing their tectonic plate upward.  The land has risen about four feet since my father-in-law was a boy.  What was underwater in his youth is dry ground now.  So they claimed it.  On the first morning I was there, I started rolling trucks with hollow block in.

A truckload of block costs about what a night in a hotel costs.  I was staying with them in their shack.  They were horrified at first, thinking an Americano would never stoop to living in such poverty.  But her father, me, brothers, and eventually cousins and uncles show up and we have a whole house knocked out in four months for VERY little money.  Just materials, and at the end one electrical contractor that cost a whole $10 a day to hook up our generator tie-in. Backup electric.

That is how we built our house in the Philippines, and we'll stay up to five months there at a time, rent free.  We put a brother through merchant marine school.  Makin' the big bucks now!  Her sister is almost done with nursing school.  Another brother is a welder.  The father is a contractor, not a laborer now.  The day after I left from building the house I contacted an engineering firm at a major construction company and his interview was the next day.  That is how his career got going in contracting.  

But on that first morning, just imagine an Americano showing up, and the trucks are already rolling in.  A crowd of people watched this bizarre sight, an Americano working.  Carrying seven hollow block at a time, more than any Filipino.  Money grows on trees in America, so why is this guy laboring so hard?   I don't think they ever got it.  But her family sure has!

I had studied Filipino culture before I met my wife. I have published some things and been on a national radio program in the States.  Back when ISIS took over Marawi City.  I always did that before I travelled anywhere.  Learned their history, culture, and a little of the language.  So I could say "Maayong Buntag" already, count the numbers, etc.   Visayan is related to Spanish and so is Tagolog.  

So I knew this whole thing about extended family reciprocity.  We worked out very specific arrangements.  The brother that went through Merchant Marine school - he paid for the nursing school on his younger sister, and she will help another younger brother.  All of them will support the mom and dad in retirement, a piece of cake with a house already built and everyone having well-paid occupations.

I loved her Dad to death the moment I met him.  It was hard not to, we worked side by side building a house together for months.  He married my wife and I.  Performed the ceremony.  He is also not religious, but a man of moral integrity.  Nice young man, seven years younger than me.  Her mom is a hopeless Catholic but it's pretty harmless, lol.

If you put decades of work into learning trades, if you save money, if you do not blow it on booze and drugs, if you sleep in the back of your truck or in tents instead of needing hotels... then you can walk into a village and have her mom crying tears of joy saying " all because you love my daughter".   Looking back, that had to be pretty overwhelming.  

We have a homesteader lifestyle in rural Alaska, I do contracting work but make sure homeschool is our top priority.  Both our kids were doing algebra and reading at the college level by second grade.  We followed peer-reviewed science literature at the University library, and it all worked.  They were reading by two years old because we started by singing the ABC song every day through mommy's womb the day we learned she was pregnant.  We learned the brain is already developing in the womb, and music is a gateway.

Here again with the kids, I have a nine year old that we have been working with every day for ten years now.  Homeschool is 365 days a year with us, but usually just a couple of hours for each kid.  He can do basic integral calculus.  He can find maxima, minima, and points of inflection in nonlinear multivariate equations.  He does 3D graphing in excel and regression analysis.  I had all those in college.  He would be in 3rd grade right now.

This is what you walk into the gun fight with, gentlemen.  Women react at the genetic level to security, they can't help themselves.  This is millions of years in evolution, not pop psychology.  Security is not just money, it is a whole lot more.  That is why the not drinking, not smoking, not gambling behavior is so sexy to them.  It means wise decisions.  It means planning ahead for illness, death, recessions, etc.  

It means being cool and level-headed, not hot-tempered and violent.  You can fight, but you use your brain.  And choose your battles wisely.  It means children with outstanding educations and work skills, with medical care when they are sick or injured.  

What kind of security do you suppose a girl feels when the morning after you've met her parents, concrete block walls are already going up for your family's house, your house, this would-be fiance' living with your family, eating together, working together, etc?  Someone who knows your country's history better than you do.  Someone who has told you he understands exactly how you feel and is going to give you that?

This is hero-worship level love.  Romeo and Juliet.  And it produces smoke out the ears of anyone indoctrinated with feminism.  This wife is so grateful, and also so certain I will never leave her that I have something I never expected.  In fact, her decision to give me liberties, under her control, follows centuries of development as I learned through study.  I don't do anything without a literature review.  I was an academic, it is how I was trained to approach things. So I studied about mistresses in Asian culture when my wife brought it up.  

So you are in the library reading publications, stuff Anthropologists put together in the late 1800's, I had to learn the whole Muslim thing, the histories of the MNLF, MILF, Abu-Sayyef, and the NPA (communist) too before I went to the Philippines.  I realize people just go on internet introduction sites, look at pictures of girls, write each other and do the fiance visa thing.  I was fascinated by many things, drawn to her culture before I ever met her, this whole extended family zealotry is why I wanted to marry into Filipino culture.

So I learned about "her" in the University library first, and then through a number of trips, I had been to six islands by the time I met her personally.  I had been to Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Burma, and Siberia before the Philippines and all over Asia the most distinctive thing is the lack of feminism.  They ask about it.  Because it is relentlessly in Western media.  But it makes no sense to them so you can't "explain" it. They tell you western women are selfish.   Malicious.  Asian women do not understand their contempt for men.  

Because men are loved in Asia.  They cannot accept the principle that men are bad.  They think it retarded that women would try to be men.  A notable exception is Japan, which by government decree began forcing young women into education and work programs in the 60's.  They have the women's labor participation rate up to 69% now and a crisis is upon them with M/F relations.  Population is actually declining.  Marriage and births down, men on games and porn.  The Asians are leading the sex robot charge too, the Japanese men apparently want them pre-pubescent, so it doesn't look to me like breaking up traditional society is going the right way for them.

So the West has demonized men, insisting Women must protect themselves from ever relying on a man whereas Japan just forced women into the workplace via national manufacturing objectives in electronics, automobiles, and heavy industry like steel.  The young men don't have women and children to work for.  Women are indoctrinated as motherboard assembly drones, not wives and mothers.

With that exception then, Asia is largely what traditional relationships were in America before the 60's.  If you want a homesteader lifestyle your odds are way better with an Asian girl.  My #1 criteria was a girl who made fire every day.  Because I do.  And it changes a LOT about the way you live with chips from wood stove fuel in the living room every day.  Hard labor logging, skidding, sawing, and splitting 14 cords of wood a year.  

If a girl is already gathering wood, making fire, and cleaning up debris every day, it isn't something you need to train her for or that she must "put up with".  It is not a change in her lifestyle.  She grew up with chickens around, so having them in the yard is normal to her.  What changed is having siblings getting college degrees, her father fully employed, having a house with no debt, and a guy who has been quite a teacher for her children.

They're out on an ATV and a dirt bike as we speak, they don't have to leave our property and they have 80 million acres of wilderness surrounding us as a buffer to gangs, drugs, alcohol, crime, etc.   This is security to the right kind of woman, if you are the homesteader type.  Boys on dirt bikes, big old knobbies and smiling ear-to-ear.  Her children are not suffering from war, famine, sickness, or the War on Boys going on in the USA right now.

I'm a big problem for feminists.  Fat, old, and white.  Undeserving of youth and beauty.  Most especially youth and beauty relying on me.  But I assure you it can be traced to my teen years when these decisions about not drinking, smoking, or gambling were first formulating alongside the observation older guys who put years of work in got to have the young babes.

Up to the 1950's this is what traditional American society taught to boys.  Keep your head down and work, learn your trade and eventually present yourself to the right kind of women as per Proverbs in the Bible.  Holy $hit look at me, the athiest, saying so.  That makes me a problem for Christians too, because I think Christianity is just fine, my own kids say they are Christian so we read the Bible at supper and pray together.  I respect their beliefs and there is a lot of good stuff to talk about whether you agree with the Bible or not on any particular point.

So I am interchangeable with a Mormon or something, I guess.  Even though I do not believe.  And Proverbs is always talking about prostitutes, my goodness that seems to be the number one thing boys need to avoid.  But I have no problem with the industry.  The problems are when it is made illegal, same with alcohol prohibition.  I don't drink but prohibition is wrong.  It creates more crime, and worse crimes, than it solves.  Corrupting police and politics.  Skyrocketing murder rates for control over distribution.  

In the 50's was the last time girls really went to finishing schools, or charm schools.  They no longer take the Home Economics track in high schools. Go ahead and make fun of smart shopping, taught academically back then to girls.  Mine knows a treadmill that costs $2,000 new would require over $3,000 in wages to buy.  Social security and income tax, unreimbursed employee expenses.  Transportation, insurance on another car, maintenance - it's going to be over $4K in wages she would have to earn.

He had a deadline.  Moving out of state.  We got it free.  Funny, he didn't seem so happy giving away his $2K machine he had recently bought into our junker pick-up truck.  I probably have more stock than he does, blue chip growth, but I live in a log cabin and he in a large spec home.  This is the difference between working harder and working smarter.

My wife earned the equivalent of an average woman's pay over a month in that one transaction.   I see so many young ladies I know would MUCH rather be at home with their children.  But they work, and explain how they have to because they have to pay for the car, the gas, the insurance, the maintenance, the clothes, and every other thing they need to "work".   Over 40% of their pay goes to taxes:  social securty, income tax, sales and excises, etc.  

Young men and women needed to be trained in what they "wanted".  Children cannot see fifty years into the future.  So adults have to warn them off alcohol, drugs, tobacco, gambling, violence, laziness, etc. and teach by example.  In most of the world, one glance tells you all you need to know about alcohol.  

There are youtube and internet publications heaping scorn on how the 1950's Home Economics books taught girls to treat their man when he came home from work.  They heap scorn upon it, how ludicrous for a woman to have a quiet home for him to return to, a place to relax and be away from stress.  To have hot food ready.  This is ancient wisdom, how you would treat ANYONE who was working all day: man, woman or child. Black, white, brown, red.  Just basic human decency.

It works.  I will risk life and limb for that.  I love doing it.  That makes you a man more than anything else in the world.  To be the ox that can plow, nobody in the family can do that like the man.  Just like the little boy who can be proud about zipping through the terrain faster than mom and dad.  Just like nobody can be the medic like mom.  The cook like mom.  That is what feminism has ruined.  Nobody is special.  Nobody can be the hero in their special thing.  The thing that makes the team work so profitably together.  

What do you say to the wife who cooks?  Everyone heaps praise on her.  What do you say to the boys that finish their wood chores?  Same thing.  The man?  You heap scorn and abuse on him for ten thousand years of "patriarchy", "toxic masculinity", "mansplaining", etc.  Right?  Wrong.  You thank him.  You keep the kids quiet.  You are in panties and a tummy shirt, you weigh under 100 lbs and your hair is down to your butt in length.  I can't help but smack that beautiful fanny when she walks by.  

Your Filipina is culturally programmed to be agreeable, Dale.  This has a couple potential drawbacks.  One is that they pretend to be agreeing when they aren't.  They will endure things they don't want to, in order to appear agreeable.  If it is a person they have social obligation to, like a husband.  A wise man learns how to see through this, the conflicting signals.

But your Western feminist indoctrination is going to hurt you in understanding an Asian girl, Dale.  She steps up to the plate wanting to treat you like a King, and you say "no thanks, I don't want to do that to you".   Like telling the race horse not to run.  Telling the painter to put his brush down.  Telling a man nobody wants to rely upon him for anything.  No unique purpose.  You are telling her she is interchangeable with a man.  

Have her read this.  Ask her if I am wrong about that.  

5 years ago