Marina Zanon

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since May 28, 2019
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Carl Trotz wrote:Hi everyone,
  My red wigglers survived the winter in a cold garage, on a diet of mostly coffee grounds and shredded newspaper.  And the occasional banana peel.  I was expecting the end result to be crumbly - like good, humus-rich soil; but instead I find the castings to be rather sticky, like clay.  There are no "off" smells that I can detect - I don't think it went anaerobic.  Is this a cause for concern?  Did I not harvest soon enough?  Thanks in advance for any input.

You can get a super nice and crumbly texture if you add one handful of commercial compost when emptying the caddy.
I tried using garden soil (mine is clay), but the worm compost felt like clay too.
5 years ago