Jack Mitchell

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since May 29, 2019
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Michael Fillen wrote:Fishing reels and rods are like golf clubs, you generally need more than one to do either effectively.  Although you don't need as many rod combos as you do golf clubs, each rod and reel combination have specific uses that will make fishing more successful.  So, it's no surprise that you are set on chosing a fishing reel. A spinning reel can be used with many applications from small fish like bluegill to giant tuna weighing over 100 pounds.  Setting up your spinning reel with the right line and rod are crucial to making sure you have a successful trip.  The line size is critical for the spinning reel you choose and the type of fish you plan on targeting. Spinning rods and conventional or bait casting rods are different so make sure you have the right rod for your reel.  In general, the spinning rod has a larger first guide, which is the guide closest to the reel.

Any specific place where you get to know all of this? Or just general expirience? Thanks for the advice guys. I personally like places like Amazon reviews and such. You get a good idea of what people like and what they find to be bad. Many pros and cons.
5 years ago
Any fishermen out there? I happen to be in search of a solid fishing reel. I am building my own rod. Would like to hear any suggestions.
5 years ago
Great recipe. It sounds delicious, today I will try to cook it.
5 years ago