Hi folks,
I've been trying to get worm composting working for a while now, and haven't been that impressed by the output so far. I bought a multi-tier plastic bin system (about 18" square with 4 4" tiers) with drain holes at the bottom of each tier along with a pack of worms.
I've been feeding the top & draining the bottom & once the top tray gets full, emptying out the bottom. I've not been keeping records, but I think I swap round the tiers about once a month, so it'd be around 3 months of composting to get my end result. However, what I get out is not particularly impressive - it's a gooey sludge mess rather than the super-fine compost some folks seem to get (see pictures). As far as I can tell, there are plenty of worms, but they're not processing the kitchen waste very well.
Initially I was worried that it wasn't draining out the bottom well. There's a tap at the bottom to allow worm tea to be drained off & I left it open for a few months to see if that helped, but it didn't seem to make much difference.
Input is kitchen waste (including coffee grounds & tea). We're relatively careful with what waste goes in - e.g. no citrus - but I've not been adding much else. I tried adding torn-up newspaper, but that didn't seem to get broken down at all. Any thoughts on what the problem might be here? Happy to provide any more info if the above isn't enough!