Problems with Indigo Rose tomatoes this go around. I planted them in a row that has never had tomatoes. I built a UV plastic cover over the section of the garden to protect them from the tropical downpours - as I live in the mountains of Costa Rica. I put composted manure with magnesium sulfate (3T / gallon of liquid compost) on them every 2 weeks - which normally works wonders.
But some of them are blotchy - red with green blotches, ripening irregularly (some), and the larger ones tend to split at the stem end.
I thought maybe I was watering them too much so now I'm only turning on the drip tape once a week. Maybe give them more magnesium? Now putting on maybe 2-3 cups of the mix every 2 weeks.
Wondering if you have any ideas for this lone wanderer in foreign lands.