Opalyn Rose

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since Jun 02, 2020
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This is a great description.

The mechanics of what you are describing with blended materials is that one is stronger than the other and thus actually end up cutting the (usually cotton) fibers. This is particularly important when making durable items like rag rugs. Having blended fabrics actually makes the rug wear out quicker than if it is 100% cotton.
3 weeks ago
For reference I helped to raise a small flock of sheep and a small herd of milking goats for over a decade.
The Karaculs were before my time.

In the animal systems I helped manage, we always had two intact males (per species) and rarely had issues under discussion. I made a point to introduce people to the goats and their headbutting strategies and instructed them scratch them under their chin when they would come up to the gates.
I would expect to see more issues with more “primitive” breeds like the Icelandic.
3 weeks ago
I do hope some of these strategies work for you.  Certain behaviors in our animals (including humans) are not tolerated on the farm and ramming is one.  One member experienced a shattered kneecap from a Karacul ram.

If you really like his wool, then adult castration might be something to explore.  I've used this brand for a dozen years to castrate our yearlings and 2-year-olds before butcher as they grow healthier and stronger when intact.
3 weeks ago

Alexandra Malecki wrote:When something says “up to 10 points duplication allowed from sand level” does that mean I could do a 1 point item 10 times?

That is my understanding

Rebekah Harmon wrote:Hello, Staff members!

I have another textile badge question. When considering the Wood Level textile bbs, … seed list…

I'm not clear if a foundation garment is one of the options for the required "from seed" item, or if it is also required in addition to one of the other 8 options? Are foundation garments required for this badge, or just one option? Thanks for looking at this! I appreciate it, since I'm working towards this badge.

Any one of the 9 items in the list is the requirement. Foundation is one of the options with several sun-options. It was listed like this as the entire seed list (but only one foundation garment set) is required for iron level.  

Alexandra Malecki wrote:I'm so thrilled to join the PEP1 club! I've done some cool things over the past year and I'm grateful for the opportunity to do the SKIP program!!!

Congratulations 🎉🎈🎊
1 month ago

Cheryl Loomans wrote:I have achieved 16 sand badges and have a BBV count over 10 (54)

1 month ago
Hi Alex,  
I’m glad you are at WL testing the Bb systems. I’m wondering if you and your family could be in the solarium instead of the house. That way you can complete the BB as required and be more comfortable too. I know that I easily get too hot when I’ve been at WL in the FPH in the winter.
Thanks for weighing in. My thoughts ran along similar lines. Definitely plan on keeping the non-dimmer. Also,I’ll check in on the type of bulbs used as that may influence the project.

It is not a new installation

I am installing a dimming light switch and replacing a non-dimming (but functional) light switch.   Does this qualify for Install a Light Switch which specifies "where no switch had been before" or Repair a Light Switch when the switch is not technically damaged but it is not meeting the owner's need?

Side Note: this is not my house and I'm making the switch either way.