Alexandra Malecki wrote:When something says “up to 10 points duplication allowed from sand level” does that mean I could do a 1 point item 10 times?
Rebekah Harmon wrote:Hello, Staff members!
I have another textile badge question. When considering the Wood Level textile bbs, … seed list…
I'm not clear if a foundation garment is one of the options for the required "from seed" item, or if it is also required in addition to one of the other 8 options? Are foundation garments required for this badge, or just one option? Thanks for looking at this! I appreciate it, since I'm working towards this badge.
Alexandra Malecki wrote:I'm so thrilled to join the PEP1 club! I've done some cool things over the past year and I'm grateful for the opportunity to do the SKIP program!!!
Cheryl Loomans wrote:I have achieved 16 sand badges and have a BBV count over 10 (54)
It is not a new installation