Adam Edonson

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Joe Gallien wrote:INTP checking in. We share some of the same struggles for sure and I've definetly seen some of those memes with INTP instead of INFJ.

There are alot of similarities between all of the intuitive introverts for sure.

As an INTJ I have alot of similarities with INTPs as we are both introverted thinking types, but in the presence of INTPs I can tell there is something different in how we think even though it's quite similar.

Although INFJs are feelers (w/Fe), and Fe is the absolute blindspot of INTJs, INTJs & INFJs are the only two types that have introverted intuition (Ni) as our dominant function, and it is thought of as the most mysterious of functions which is why we are the oddballs.

INTPs in comparisson use extroverted intuition as an auxiliary function & have introvert thinking (Ti) as their dominant function.

But for sure all of the intuitive introverts: INTP, INFP, INTJ &INFJ are the words of society and have quite a bit in common.

It's no surprise that permies is full of INXXs. I was curious about that.
INTJ here. We make up just a fraction of a percentage more of the population than INFJs and in fact the rarest type is male INFJs, and female INTJs.

Yes it is THE reason I have trouble finding a partner, friends or a place in the world at all.
I just spent about an hour foraging. I filled up a 5 gallon bucket with wild plums. After it cools down this evening I will go fill up another bucket

The plan is to put the wild fruit in the wine press and then to can the juice in a pressure cooker to store for later use.

Black Berry's are ripening so I'll be pressing some of those too, along with making blackberry preserves.

Wild grapes are begining ng to form and apples are ripening.

Hoping to can several gallons of juices this year.

Looks like it is going to be an abundant year for acorns also.

In California, the difference between foraging in a survival situation vs. being able to take your time and harvesting when things are ripe throughout the year is the difference between desolation and Eden.

It's a little late now, but a person could actually fill up cases and cases of canning jars with cooked miners lettuce to eat like spinach with meals throughout the year. Nettle and thistle can be harvested en mass and canned like spinach.
4 years ago
You can live quite fat off the land I. California just by foraging ng but you would have to be doing it as a system like the natives. You would need to harvest everything in season and store everything for use throughout the year.

After processing acorn this year I've decided to make that a thing I spend a weekend doing every year.

In one weekend enough acorns could be gathered to use as a staple through out the year. Processing them is really simple and they store well.
The hardest part is making yourself shall them. Leaching them is as easy as pouring out a bucket of water and filling it back up every day or two.

You can make nut butter spread and replace peanut butter etc. Pancake mix, they are also good in soup. In one weekend for each, a parent can pick enough acorns to replace all the peanutbutter that they buy, and enough blackberries for preserves to replace all the fruit spread they buy to give their kids PBJs.
4 years ago
Arugala and golden flax are both wide spread in northern California.
Many of the wild brassica, especially wild mustard produce small broccolis at a certain stage of growth.

Mustard can also be made from the seeds by grinding into a flour and mixing with two parts liquid which can be water or vinegar or yogurt whey or a mix.

Sour grass, clover and MINER'S SALAD is one of my personal faves.

There is also a wild yams

Nasturtium flowers.

Wild onion, just look for the flower.
4 years ago
Besides the redwood forests and the desert,  most of wild California is like an all natural food forest.

Southern California is more so a food forest than northern cal, but Nor Cal is full of edibles too.

The Natives of southern Cal must have had such a different psyche than anyone alive today. To look around you and see that everything was edible for 100s of miles or at the very least was a resource must really elevate ones consciousness out of the pits of Hell, desperation, and neediness up into a higher plane of thinking, feeling, and living.

On any given day though, many things are not in season.

California is the world's largest nut producer, but the wildlands of California produce more acorns than Cal agriculture produces nuts. Walnuts also grow wild, pine nuts, pinion nuts are abundant in their season.  Buckwheat bushes produce upto 300lbs of buckwheat per acre. Acorns can be as much as 2000lbs per acre and even more in a good year. This fall in Julian in the Mts of San Diego, the acorns were literally the size of small apples and the ground was covered in them. One tree easily produced 100 lbs of acorn nuts.

Pine trees produce about 250-300 lbs of nut per acre. Shelled obviously.

Nettle is edible. Thistle is edible. Wild lettuce and dock are very abundant. I could easily harvest pounds and pounds of edible salad greens from my yard and so can anyone else in California.

Wild chia is so abundant in so cal that the super food was a staple food for the natives. Sage and all of the countless salvia varieties such as chia, all produce edible seeds.

The variety of wild vetch that grows all over California and this time of the year covers EVERYTHING produces a bean that can be harvested dry to store or eaten green. It is 25% protien. The entire plant is edible.

Of course there is also dandelion and sorrel things like that everywhere also.

Grass hoppers are easy to catch. If you are ever in the need to forage for survival grass hoppers are everywhere and should be your first go-to food source because they have everything you need and they are everywhere. Once you start eating grasshoppers and wild lettuce start collecting your carbs from under an oak. Almost anytime of year you can gather enough acorns to survive. They need to be leached though.

There are also many wild fruits across the state. Nor Cal is super abundant with wild fruit, more so than Hawaii or anywhere I've been at least in the region where I live.

Here there are raspberries, goose berries, elderberries, apples, pears, plums and cherries, Oregon grape, (conventional) wild grapes, huckle berries and of course the ever famous blackberries which there are two varieties of. This is and the salmon is why California is famous for bears.

Southern Cal has alot of gooseberries and Holly leaf plums, elderberries and blackberries.

Yucca stalk and flowers can be eaten. The seeds and roots are antiinflamitories.

Prickly pear cactus and fruits are edible. The fruit is amazing and makes a good probiotic soda pop.

The young yucca stalk can be boiled in water, strained, and evaporated down to sugar.
4 years ago
Elderberries are one of the most common tree varieties growing in the southern California wild lands
4 years ago