Josh Squyres

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since Aug 03, 2019
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Recent posts by Josh Squyres

I don’t know when it is ripe. It was bitter when I tried it. Kind of think it is a Jamaican tangelo
5 years ago
Just curious when an orange is ripe? Here is a pic of 4 oranges I picked off the same tree. Thanks!
5 years ago
What month do you think the apples will ripen?
5 years ago
Ok. So those are oranges, not limes??
5 years ago
How does the inside of this line and apple look? Lime doesn’t squeeze juice yet. Apple does not taste ripe and seed is white.
5 years ago
Cool. How about the limes?
5 years ago
In my yard I have an Apple tree and I believe a lime tree. Can y’all help me identify the types of fruit and how I know they are ripe to pick? Attached a few pics of both.
5 years ago